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by jojoguy14
29 May 2012, 13:10
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Documentation
Replies: 4
Views: 8373

Re: Documentation

Tell me about it! I don't document (or "comment") a lot, but when I do, it's usually for BIG confusing programs! Add it to the NXT-G 3.0 wishlist :-)

by jojoguy14
06 May 2012, 02:18
Forum: Open Discussion
Topic: Lego Brand Survey - Please help me!
Replies: 5
Views: 12234

Re: Lego Brand Survey - Please help me!

Alrighty, I did it.

What was this for? :-)
by jojoguy14
20 Apr 2012, 13:27
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Problem making NXT-g wall follower program
Replies: 17
Views: 31859

Re: Problem making NXT-g wall follower program

When i tried it some days ago, it would not start the second loop! I had the same problem today too.'s the first problem I see: You say in the comment (in the program) that you have to press the "Enter Button". By that, I assume you mean the orange button on the NXT screen, c...
by jojoguy14
17 Apr 2012, 00:49
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Problem making NXT-g wall follower program
Replies: 17
Views: 31859

Re: Problem making NXT-g wall follower program

Hello (1) I´m sorry again, but this time forgot to delete some of the program. (2) I down´t have a robot built op right now, but i´ll build it soon. Wall Follower.rbt Jon (1) OK, I see what you did. But, you still have different touch sensors and the motors are set for unlimited. (2) Well.....ho...
by jojoguy14
12 Apr 2012, 13:30
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Problem making NXT-g wall follower program
Replies: 17
Views: 31859

Re: Problem making NXT-g wall follower program

Well, here are a couple of tips: 1. Are you using TWO touch sensors? Because, the switch is on Touch Sensor (TS) port 2, but all of the other Wait block TS's are on port 1. 2. You are having the motors for "Unlimited". So, even if the Stop Value is met, the motors are still going to run. 3...
by jojoguy14
03 Apr 2012, 19:58
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: [NXC]Questions from a newbie :-)
Replies: 7
Views: 18353

Re: [NXC]Questions from a newbie :-)

You need to use rotate motor - RotateMotor(OUT_AC, 50,360 ); See and Well....thanks, but that didn't help with turning the motors in OPPOSITE directions. But, thanks to you, I looked ...
by jojoguy14
03 Apr 2012, 18:12
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: [NXC]Questions from a newbie :-)
Replies: 7
Views: 18353

Re: [NXC]Questions from a newbie :-)

mattallen37 wrote:Like this?

Code: Select all

OnFwd(OUT_B, 100);
OnRev(OUT_C, 100);
Yes, but how do you do that for a certain amount of degrees?
by jojoguy14
03 Apr 2012, 12:49
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: [NXC]Questions from a newbie :-)
Replies: 7
Views: 18353

Re: [NXC]Questions from a newbie :-)

Thanks a bunch!
Another question:
How do I make a point turn in NXC (both motors move in opposite directions at the same time)?
by jojoguy14
02 Apr 2012, 22:15
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: [NXC]Questions from a newbie :-)
Replies: 7
Views: 18353

[NXC]Questions from a newbie :-)

Hello people! I' starting to learn NXC (slowly!) I have John Hansen's book and I've been using it as a reference. I'm an NXT-G guy. I LOVE graphical programming languages :) . So, I've started "copying" the NXT-G Robot Center programs to NXC. I'm on the ShooterBot with the Color Sensor pro...
by jojoguy14
29 Mar 2012, 15:29
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Problem making NXT-g wall follower program
Replies: 17
Views: 31859

Re: Problem making NXT-g wall follower program

So....what's happening is the loop is "looping" REALLY fast! SO fast, that one press in the real world could mean x number of presses (where x is the speed the loop "loops" (REALLY fast!)) What I'd try is adding a "Wait For Touch" block in front of the touch sensor swit...