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by avcampos
09 Oct 2013, 01:13
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: NXC: MotorOverload always returns false
Replies: 3
Views: 7813

Re: NXC: MotorOverload always returns false

Thanks for your answers! Indeed, using OnFwdReg was the key... I had no idea that, for SetOutut to enable the GetOutput fields I had to also set update flags! I really spent too much time with the RCX before moving to the NXT... Anyway, I ended up not using MotorOverLoad, as I noticed the motor spen...
by avcampos
08 Oct 2013, 12:39
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: NXC: MotorOverload always returns false
Replies: 3
Views: 7813

NXC: MotorOverload always returns false

Hi all! I'm programming a robot that has limited travel on one of its articulations. I don't require precision on its position, just that it stops the motor as soon as it hits the limit. NXC has the MotorOverLoad function, which appears to do exactly what I want... however, it always returns "f...
by avcampos
08 Oct 2013, 11:35
Forum: Open Discussion
Topic: AVCampos Introduction
Replies: 2
Views: 19754

Re: AVCampos Introduction

Thanks! 8-) Actually I enjoy building more than programming, so much that I created more RC contraptions than real, pBrick-powered robots. Must have something to do with having to spend the day programming as a job...
by avcampos
08 Oct 2013, 00:06
Forum: Open Discussion
Topic: AVCampos Introduction
Replies: 2
Views: 19754

AVCampos Introduction

Hi all! I'm Alexandre, and I'm from Portugal. I have a background in electrical engineering (almost finished the degree), and I always loved LEGO from my early days, so much that I never had my "dark age". From those two aspects of me, it's not very surprising that my favourite themes are ...