Search found 8 matches

by devirex
23 Dec 2013, 10:11
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Programming Issues for C for EV3 (EVC, EV3-C)
Replies: 8
Views: 14238

Re: Programming Issues for C for EV3 (EVC, EV3-C)

Helllo, here is how to run EVC programs from the EV3 menue. If you have only one EVC program that you want to run you can follow the instructions of the second link. Compile a lms Script with LMSASM tool. Here is a tutorial and the code: Here is ...
by devirex
21 Dec 2013, 19:11
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Connecting to Wifi with Program / LMSASM tool tutorial
Replies: 0
Views: 8867

Connecting to Wifi with Program / LMSASM tool tutorial

Hello, i found out how to connect your EV3 to a Wifi with a program from the standard Lego VM without clicking trough the menu. 1. create a lms script (f.e. C:\myapps\wifi.lms) and replace <SSID> and <PASSKEY>: define HARDWARE HW_WIFI DATA8 On DATA32 Timer vmthread MAIN { XOR8(1,On,On) COM_SET(SET_O...
by devirex
19 Dec 2013, 18:16
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Programming Issues for C for EV3 (EVC, EV3-C)
Replies: 8
Views: 14238

Re: Programming Issues for C for EV3 (EVC, EV3-C)


I used MotorTachoCount insted of MotorRotationCount and that was the failure.
Thanks for your help
by devirex
18 Dec 2013, 15:20
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Programming Issues for C for EV3 (EVC, EV3-C)
Replies: 8
Views: 14238

Re: Programming Issues for C for EV3 (EVC, EV3-C)


Off(OUT_A) stops motor A and turn the brake on.
by devirex
18 Dec 2013, 14:06
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Programming Issues for C for EV3 (EVC, EV3-C)
Replies: 8
Views: 14238

Programming Issues for C for EV3 (EVC, EV3-C)

Hello, I'm playing around with the C api for EV3 (EVC or lms_api). I've some problems with the motor count. Everytime the motor stops the count is resetted to 0. This happens when the "opOutputStop" Byte Code is written to the PWMDevice. Both functuions Off(output) and OffEx(output, reset)...
by devirex
18 Dec 2013, 00:15
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Bounty for complete EV3 C/C++ API
Replies: 60
Views: 264795

Re: Bounty for complete EV3 C/C++ API

Hello, I'm playing around with the EVC Api. I've written a thread which prints the position of motor A [MotorTachoCount(OUT_A)] every 100ms. Also there are two functions which should do the same (spin motor 1 second and don't reset the count). Code: #includes .... void tsDrive(int Power){ printf(&qu...
by devirex
17 Dec 2013, 21:10
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Wishlist for C for EV3 (EVC, EV3-C)
Replies: 33
Views: 44421

Re: Wishlist for C for EV3 (EVC, EV3-C)

Hello, this is a sample programm. Run motor A and B for 1 second. #include "ev3_output.h" #include "ev3_lcd.h" #include <pthread.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { OutputInit(); SetPower(OUT_AB, 75); //Set power for motor A and motor B to 75 percent Fwd(OUT_AB...