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by HaWe
05 Nov 2016, 19:44
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: EV3 BricxCC
Replies: 1
Views: 39703

Re: EV3 BricxCC

EV3 support of Bricxcc is just rudimentary and would require even then addional installations of the gnu gcc C/C++ compiler and CodeSourcery Light Toolchains. It is not working like the NXC or even a RobotC Bytecode interpreter any longer, but it's now a real ANSI C compiler ( which is no longer &qu...
by HaWe
30 Sep 2016, 19:35
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: NXC: PID motor controller (approach encoder/sensor target)
Replies: 3
Views: 41931

Re: NXC: PID motor controller (approach encoder/sensor targe

some screenshots about good and bad PID-tuning: bad tuning: PID_bad.png good tuning: PID_good.png latest update: porting the NXT PID control to C/C++ code for a Raspberry Pi to control NXT and EV3 encoder motors (servo motors):
by HaWe
31 Jul 2016, 14:39
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Breaking out the old NXT 1.0
Replies: 1
Views: 35867

Re: Breaking out the old NXT 1.0

perhaps purchase a 2nd-hand PC with Windows XP 32. I recently have bought a couple of them for 25 EUR each.
by HaWe
26 Aug 2015, 16:33
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: search function BricxCC:"regular expression "?
Replies: 0
Views: 27321

search function BricxCC:"regular expression "?

about search function of Bricx Command Center:
what does "regular expression" mean/do ?

by HaWe
25 Jul 2015, 15:11
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: store and process Google maps or OSM maps ?
Replies: 0
Views: 38404

store and process Google maps or OSM maps ?

hi, did anybody ever try to store Google maps or OSM (OpenStreetMaps) on embedded MCUs (Arduino, EV3, Raspi)and later process them offline ? I mean: store a map area on SD, show a small section on a TFT (I have a 220x176) and if one passes a GEO coordinate offline (latt, long) the program marks this...
by HaWe
26 Jun 2015, 13:03
Forum: BrickPi
Topic: not just about the BrickPi, but about the Intel Galileo...
Replies: 1
Views: 76221

Re: not just about the BrickPi, but about the Intel Galileo.

any hints how to make the Galileo work with Windows XP? How is it possible to program multitasking and IRQ-timer using the Arduino IDE for the Galileo? (e.g., for Arduino Due (ARM Cortex M3) there are Scheduler and DueTimer available, and all hardware and all IDE software (currently 1.6.5) is run ve...
by HaWe
24 Jun 2015, 06:54
Forum: BrickPi
Topic: not just about the BrickPi, but about the Intel Galileo...
Replies: 1
Views: 76221

not just about the BrickPi, but about the Intel Galileo...

hi, casually I came upon a book by mattallen ( Matthew Richardson: "Getting started with the Intel Galileo") about the Intel Galileo Board, providing the Arduino Sketch IDE for C/C++ Is anybody around here who has any experience with it? (Both with the board and mattallen's book and/or oth...
by HaWe
22 May 2015, 17:34
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Run Snap! on your Ev3 and BrickPi
Replies: 5
Views: 47807

Re: Run Snap! on your Ev3 and BrickPi

as it will be plugged to the EV3-USB-host-port:
in what respect does it interfere with 3 additionally USB daisy-chained bricks?
will it be connected then via a USB hub ?
by HaWe
22 May 2015, 16:52
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Run Snap! on your Ev3 and BrickPi
Replies: 5
Views: 47807

Re: Run Snap! on your Ev3 and BrickPi

sounds as if it's not programmable by the original Lego EV3 GUI software blocks (EV3-G == X3 )
by HaWe
17 May 2015, 09:43
Forum: Open Discussion
Topic: Brixcc + Ev3 + download error
Replies: 1
Views: 35258

Re: Brixcc + Ev3 + download error

the program caption of your executable program appearing on the ev3 screen is a fake. The screen menu you can see is displayed by the VM (the Lego bytecode interpreter for X3 byte code) and actually neither can display Linux executables nor start a Linux executable. What you see might be sort of tem...