Search found 224 matches

by timpattinson
22 Jan 2012, 21:20
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Hi everyone!
Replies: 2
Views: 6756

Re: Hi everyone!

Look on Youtube, there's always lots of video of past NXT competition and many other NXT creations :)
by timpattinson
11 Jan 2012, 22:10
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: C++ NXT Bluetooth Library
Replies: 4
Views: 9529

Re: C++ NXT Bluetooth Library

Use a cast to convert the char* to LPCWSTR
For the other error, is nxt.h in the same directory as main.cpp?
If not, add the folder to the VC++ include path.
by timpattinson
11 Jan 2012, 03:08
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: C++ NXT Bluetooth Library
Replies: 4
Views: 9529

Re: C++ NXT Bluetooth Library

1. Download and extract
2. make a VC++ project
3. See my post here: ... ffel#p7160
4. Build
by timpattinson
10 Jan 2012, 23:31
Forum: Open Discussion
Topic: Old RCX 1.1
Replies: 1
Views: 6241

Re: Old RCX 1.1

RCX programs on the brick have been compiled (tranlasted into a machine readable format) and there is no way to open them for further editing.
In what circumstances do the .vi's not appear?
by timpattinson
04 Jan 2012, 06:24
Forum: Open Discussion
Topic: Samsung S i9000 + Mindsensors
Replies: 7
Views: 12402

Re: Samsung S i9000 + Mindsensors

mightor wrote:C++ on Android?
I think it still requires a bit of Java to act as "glue"
by timpattinson
20 Dec 2011, 22:39
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Interests/hobbies
Replies: 10
Views: 22049

Re: Interests/hobbies

dimasterooo wrote:I know it's really annoying.. take G+ for example (though that's google). I'd really like to be on there, but I don't see them lowering their minimum age anytime soon (but I hope I'm wrong)
shhhhh.. nobody will know.
make another gmail account :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :o :o
by timpattinson
19 Nov 2011, 21:43
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: 2.1 software glitches?
Replies: 3
Views: 7703

Re: 2.1 software glitches?

NXT-G is slow and buggy on just about any computer. Try to do things slowly as it is doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes, like recompiling all the time. This page shows you how to write serious programs without glitching the editor. This page is really ...
by timpattinson
07 Nov 2011, 10:55
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: NXT Grayscale-pics
Replies: 16
Views: 24717

Re: NXT Grayscale-pics

spillerrec wrote:Is creating grayscale pictures something I should add in RICcreator? I could add some extra stuff when importing images, so it creates 2 images at different thresholds instead of just one. Just some simple stuff though.
Anyway, is there interest?
by timpattinson
22 Oct 2011, 04:46
Forum: Site Comments/Complaints/Suggestions
Topic: !File Extensions!
Replies: 17
Views: 24706

Re: !File Extensions!

muntoo wrote:Can we add support for .7z uploading? It compresses .rbt files unbelievably well (try it), compared to .zip.
7-Zip is great.