Search found 10 matches

by creator1
04 Sep 2013, 18:58
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: ev3 crash report
Replies: 0
Views: 8097

ev3 crash report

I download the EV3 home edition from, After installation, I got an error message when I start the program: An unexpected error has occurred. Please restart LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 I tried on WinXP and Win7 but ...
by creator1
16 May 2013, 11:55
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: EV4 ?
Replies: 4
Views: 13502

EV4 ?

by creator1
17 Dec 2012, 17:46
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Hidden Advanced features of NXTG
Replies: 3
Views: 5173

Hidden Advanced features of NXTG

for windows user, under the profile folder, setting.ini
search for
Enable Advanced Features=FALSE
change to
Enable Advanced Features=TRUE

then, more datatype will be available: logic array, number array, integer array, text array

what are these for ?
by creator1
25 Sep 2012, 07:32
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Measure strengh of bluetooth connection
Replies: 0
Views: 3493

Measure strengh of bluetooth connection

Is it possible to measure the bluetooth strength of 2 connected NXT?
Nxtg? Nxc? Labview?
by creator1
23 Feb 2012, 12:29
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: Line Following with HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexer
Replies: 10
Views: 14830

Re: Line Following with HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexer

Test 3 setup: Light sensors on port 2 & 3. Another two light sensors connected to the HiTechnic sensor multiplexer (NXT port 1, multiplexer port 1 & 2) <because the mux does not support Lego color sensor in NXTG> Same programming logic. Test 3 result: NXT go smoother on straight line and cur...
by creator1
22 Feb 2012, 16:57
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: Line Following with HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexer
Replies: 10
Views: 14830

Re: Line Following with HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexer

This is the hardware setup: C1= color sensor on port 1 L2 = light sensor on port 2 L3 = light sensor on port 3 C4 = Color sensor on port 4 C = Left motor B = Right motor C1 L2 L3 L4 C B This is the programming logic: B is directly proportional to L3 while inversely proportional to L2 C is directly p...
by creator1
22 Feb 2012, 14:45
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: Line Following with HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexer
Replies: 10
Views: 14830

Re: Line Following with HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexer

Are you actually using the two color sensors for line following? I would assume the two light sensors do most of the work. I would connect them directly to the NXT, and put the color sensors on the mux. This is how I arrange the 4 sensors. Color light light color The two light sensors in the middle...
by creator1
22 Feb 2012, 07:29
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: Line Following with HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexer
Replies: 10
Views: 14830

Line Following with HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexer

Programming environment: NXTG Test 1: 2 color sensors on port 1 and 4, 2 light sensors on port 2 and 3. Following black line with right angle smoothly with no problem. Test 2: 2 color sensors on port 1 and 4, 2 light sensors on HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexer (nxt port 2, multiplexer port 1 and 2) With...
by creator1
28 Mar 2011, 17:07
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: Mindsensors Lineleader is banned by RoboCup ?
Replies: 1
Views: 3730

Mindsensors Lineleader is banned by RoboCup ?

Below is from Q: With reference to RCJ rescue A-rules, subparagraph 2.2.2, I´d like to ask you on your statement to the conctruction legitimacy of lineleader sensor applying in RCJ rescue competition. As you certainly know, the Lineleader sensor is a product of M...