Search found 3 matches

by tedsluis
17 Apr 2011, 21:07
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: How to check how much file space is available? (NXC)
Replies: 6
Views: 6093

How to check how much file space is available? (NXC)

I am working on a piece of code which creates a log file for various purposes. But if that log file already exists at the start of the program (created by a previous run of the program), the file must be re-opened to add data, using OpenFileAppend(FILE_NAME ,file_size,file_handle) . My program will ...
by tedsluis
04 Apr 2011, 18:25
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Trouble understanding the use of OpenFileAppend in NXC
Replies: 3
Views: 4647

Solved: Trouble understanding the use of OpenFileAppend in N

Dear John, Problem solved! John Hansen Wrote: If you think it might be a problem with the enhanced firmware then try your program with the standard firmware and see if it behaves the same. John Hansen Wrote: I had once upon a time kept the enhanced firmware doing things the "old" way which...
by tedsluis
03 Apr 2011, 15:57
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Trouble understanding the use of OpenFileAppend in NXC
Replies: 3
Views: 4647

Trouble understanding the use of OpenFileAppend in NXC

Hi, I do not understand how OpenFileAppend() in NXC should work. My goal is to open file and write data to it. If a file with the specified name allready exist, I want to append to that file. Otherwise I want to create a new file. Here is how I think to accomplish that: string FILE_NAME="test.c...