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by mindsqualls
17 Sep 2011, 06:18
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Released: MindSqualls v2.0
Replies: 17
Views: 17441

Re: Released: MindSqualls v2.0

... it's looking for a winusb.dll file. Any idea where that should exist? WinUSB is a generic USB driver. On my Windows 7 the 32- and 64-bit version are placed here: C:\Windows\System32\winusb.dll C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winusb.dll Apparently it is included with Windows from Vista and on, so if you are...
by mindsqualls
15 Sep 2011, 21:06
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: Why the three holes of the NXT2 color sensor?
Replies: 5
Views: 6753

Re: Why the three holes of the NXT2 color sensor?

Ok, thanks. I guess that perhaps I must have slipped some light in past a fingernail or something like that. So it turned out that my suspicion about the opaque bump of plastic was correct after all. Perhaps they just wanted it to look sufficiently different from the NXT1 light sensor. Looking forwa...
by mindsqualls
15 Sep 2011, 20:24
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: Why the three holes of the NXT2 color sensor?
Replies: 5
Views: 6753

Why the three holes of the NXT2 color sensor?

When looking at the NXT2 color sensor front on, it has three holes that open up to either a light-emitter or a sensor. The top-right one has three diodes inside: red, green and blue. The top-left seems to be a sensor, and so does the bottom one. I base this assumption on a very primitive experiment;...
by mindsqualls
06 Sep 2011, 17:08
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Released: MindSqualls v2.0
Replies: 17
Views: 17441

Re: Released: MindSqualls v2.0

linusa wrote:The download link for the documentation is broken:
by mindsqualls
05 Sep 2011, 21:16
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Optimizing on the speed of reading the ultrasonic sensor
Replies: 3
Views: 4776

Re: Optimizing on the speed of reading the ultrasonic sensor

Arrrrggghhh...... I have been struggling with this problem for a while now. Perhaps some fresh insight might help. For some unfathomable (to me) reason the algorithm only works for the Bluetooth-case. When it comes to USB, it seems to work, but this is really an illusion. What happens is that it con...
by mindsqualls
05 Sep 2011, 20:26
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Released: MindSqualls v2.0
Replies: 17
Views: 17441

Re: Released: MindSqualls v2.0

In that case:
Just released v2.2 which – among other things – fixes a problem with USB.
by mindsqualls
18 Aug 2011, 13:58
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: How to calibrate NXT 2.0 Color Sensor?
Replies: 11
Views: 18283

Re: How to calibrate NXT 2.0 Color Sensor?

I don't think that would make it qualify as passive. I was just quoting the name Lego calls it by in the HDK. The third type they have is "Active sensor" which is the category that the RCX-sensors fits into. All the sensors is of cause digital, but they use "digital sensor" for ...
by mindsqualls
18 Aug 2011, 07:50
Forum: Mindstorms Hardware
Topic: How to calibrate NXT 2.0 Color Sensor?
Replies: 11
Views: 18283

Re: How to calibrate NXT 2.0 Color Sensor?

getColorNumber() is for working with the colored balls that comes with the NXT 2.0 retail box. It works just fine for them. If your needs is more advanced than this, then you will have to do something along the lines of what hassenplug suggests. However this will show down the reading because you no...
by mindsqualls
15 Aug 2011, 14:29
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Released: MindSqualls v2.0
Replies: 17
Views: 17441

Re: Released: MindSqualls v2.0

linusa wrote:Do you have the feeling that "I2C is slow" ...
Continuing this elsewhere before we get too off-topic: ... f=3&t=1014
by mindsqualls
15 Aug 2011, 14:26
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Optimizing on the speed of reading the ultrasonic sensor
Replies: 3
Views: 4776

Optimizing on the speed of reading the ultrasonic sensor

In this thread linusa wrote: Do you have the feeling that "I2C is slow", as in "the ultrasonic sensor could really be faster, especially via Bluetooth"? I'm not sure how exactly you request input data from ...