First NXT Grayscale game!

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First NXT Grayscale game!

Post by nxtboyiii »

Well, this isn't really a game yet, but it grayscale. Sadly, it flickers a lot.

**credit to whoever made Legend of Zelda for Gameboy for the Zelda pic and also someone on**

Ok, so just download the program and the ric's to your NXT.
Please give feedback.
Help is appreciated.
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Thanks, and have a nice day,
nxtboy III
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Re: First NXT Grayscale game!

Post by bungeshea »

Cool!I like the tester. The character seems to go off the right side of the screen and disappear sometimes, but other times it just refuss to go any further right. (the flicker effect is cool) :D

BTW, if you can make the program automatically download the (ric) files when it compiles:

Code: Select all

#download "co.ric"
#download "zelda.ric"
It can be a relative or absolute path.
Like C:\Program Files\LEGO Software\LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT\engine\Pictures\myimg.ric specifies the exact location on your computer
or images\myimg.ric if the myimg.ric file is in a image folder which is in the code folder. To go back a directory use ..\
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Re: First NXT Grayscale game!

Post by nxtboyiii »

If you can please comment, do so. I need some feedback. If you need help putting grayscale into your program, just ask. Please feel free to give suggestions.

Thanks. :)
Thanks, and have a nice day,
nxtboy III
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