!File Extensions!

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Re: !File Extensions!

Post by mightor »

While zip might be widely supported, it is not an open format like 7-zip.
While this may be true it's a moot point when not everyone can use it due to restrictions imposed upon them at their schools or for other reasons. Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD are also open but not everyone is using them, for a number of reasons :)
Anyway, I can live with zip, however I would at least expect NXT related file formats like .nxc, .ric and the like, and some general Lego formats like .ldr (LDraw) to be allowed. Those kind of files are usually less than 10 KB is size too.
Give me a list of LEGO/NXT extensions you'd like to see and I'll see which ones can be added easily :)
And isn't the max 3 attachments per post a bit low?
That's when zip files come in :)

- Xander
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Re: !File Extensions!

Post by mattallen37 »

mightor wrote:Give me a list of LEGO/NXT extensions you'd like to see and I'll see which ones can be added easily :)

- Xander
Here is a list of ones I think I would benefit from (from highest to lowest priority):


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Re: !File Extensions!

Post by mightor »

Thanks Matt,

Those extensions have been added to a new group called "LEGO Files".

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(1.54 KiB) Downloaded 414 times
(1.9 MiB) Downloaded 414 times
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Re: !File Extensions!

Post by mattallen37 »

Thank you Xander!!!

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Re: !File Extensions!

Post by spillerrec »

LDRAW CAD files:
  • .ldr
  • .mpd
.dat is sometimes used instead of .ldr. I do not like that extension of obvious reasons though...
mightor wrote:
And isn't the max 3 attachments per post a bit low?
That's when zip files come in :)
They are just not quite useful if you wanted to illustrate something with images...
My blog: http://spillerrec.dk/category/lego/
RICcreator, an alternative to nxtRICeditV2: http://riccreator.sourceforge.net/
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Re: !File Extensions!

Post by mightor »

If you have a lot of images, you can always host them on any number of image hosting sites.

I am not going to add .dat but I have no issues with the other ones.

- Xander
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Re: !File Extensions!

Post by muntoo »

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Re: !File Extensions!

Post by mightor »


- Xander
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| Some people, when confronted with a problem, think, "I know, I'll use threads,"
| and then two they hav erpoblesms. (@nedbat)
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