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Re: Jobs/Colleges

Post by fuzzball27 »

It's also good to have something to get you away from a computer screen!
Haha great point!
Thanks for all the input; it's very motivating!
fuzzball27 >>-->
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Re: Jobs/Colleges

Post by HaWe »

I'm anything but a professional programmer or an IT specialist: I am a physician and a pharmacist.
But I like it to program as a hobby (particularly during bad weather of what we got quite a lot), and perhaps this explains my sometimes somewhat different perspective on programming issues and themes (AI, neural nets, pattern recognition, expert systems - and APIs).
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Re: Jobs/Colleges

Post by linusa »

Half a year ago I posted in this thread that I was going to start my first job (as PhD student, actually), and my institute finally has a Youtube-channel. So if you're interested in what we do, check it out:

A video of interest for robot navigation might be this one (maybe even for NXT robots one day?):

Edit: Fixed Youtube-Vid-ID
RWTH - Mindstorms NXT Toolbox for MATLAB
state of the art in nxt remote control programming
MotorControl now also in Python, .net, and Mathematica
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