Code: Select all
task main () {
printf("Hello World");
9:12:15.255 PM Automatically setting firmware to enhanced
9:12:15.257 PM Automatically setting firmware version to 128
9:12:15.261 PM Current file = "D:\User Data\Projects\SuperPro\hello.spc"
9:12:15.262 PM SPC compilation begins
9:12:15.262 PM Compiling for firmware version 128, NBC/NXC enhanced = TRUE
9:12:15.263 PM Running SPC preprocessor
9:12:15.266 PM Include path = .\;"C:\Program Files (x86)\BricxCC\";"D:\User Data\Projects\SuperPro\"
9:12:15.266 PM Processing include: spmem.h
9:12:15.269 PM SPC init program
9:12:15.270 PM Current file = "SPCDefs.h"
9:12:15.271 PM SPC parse program code
9:12:15.273 PM SPC processing global declarations
9:12:15.274 PM SPC processing function block: isupper
9:12:15.275 PM SPC processing function block: islower
9:12:15.277 PM SPC processing function block: isalpha
9:12:15.278 PM SPC processing function block: isdigit
9:12:15.279 PM SPC processing function block: isalnum
9:12:15.281 PM SPC processing function block: isspace
9:12:15.282 PM SPC processing function block: iscntrl
9:12:15.284 PM SPC processing function block: isprint
9:12:15.285 PM SPC processing function block: isgraph
9:12:15.286 PM SPC processing function block: ispunct
9:12:15.290 PM SPC processing function block: isxdigit
9:12:15.291 PM SPC processing function block: toupper
9:12:15.293 PM SPC processing function block: tolower
9:12:15.294 PM Current file = "D:\User Data\Projects\SuperPro\hello.spc"
9:12:15.296 PM SPC processing procedure block: main
9:12:15.297 PM SPC processing global declarations
9:12:15.298 PM SPC generate trailer
9:12:15.299 PM SPC code generation finished
9:12:15.301 PM Finalizing dependencies
9:12:15.302 PM Build codespace references
9:12:15.303 PM Optimizing at level 2
9:12:15.304 PM Compact the codespace
9:12:15.305 PM Remove unused labels
9:12:15.306 PM Run codespace optimizations
9:12:15.307 PM Optimizing code: main
9:12:15.308 PM Compact the codespace after optimizations
9:12:15.309 PM Remove unused pragmas
9:12:15.310 PM Compact the dataspace
9:12:15.311 PM Sort the dataspace
9:12:15.312 PM Fill code arrays
9:12:15.313 PM Write code to executable
9:12:15.314 PM Write optimized source to compiler output
9:12:15.315 PM Finished
9:12:15.316 PM Download failed
I connected to it:
Any ideas? The file is named hello.spc.
- Xander