Samsung S i9000 + Mindsensors

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Samsung S i9000 + Mindsensors

Post by HaWe »

I'm about to purchase a Samsung S i9000 Android mobile phone -
can I connect it (and how?) to one of these MS interfaces? ... tion=73:73
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Re: Samsung S i9000 + Mindsensors

Post by mightor »

It will only work if you can upgrade it to Android 2.3.4 (or higher). This is required to be able to use the Google ADK. I know Mindsensors is also working on an alternative interface that will allow older versions of Android to work with it, but I don't have much detail on that.
For more info on the Google ADK, take a look here:

Perhaps you can flash it with Cyanogen Mod or another ROM.

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Re: Samsung S i9000 + Mindsensors

Post by mightor »

Btw, you do realise that programming Android requires JAVA :shock:

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Re: Samsung S i9000 + Mindsensors

Post by HaWe »

I think it has 2.3.5 currently
but Java is an absurdity...
I was hoping I could use C/C++

and how will it be connected to the Mindstorms motor/sensor-interface? (and which?)
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Re: Samsung S i9000 + Mindsensors

Post by mightor »

C++ on Android? I don't think so, unless you want to program that thing natively. If you think NXOS or nxtOSEK is hard, you ain't seen nothing yet.
You could program the ADK board with the Arduino environment or with AVRStudio in C or C++ without the use of the phone.

I think you need to do some research into programming for Android first. You can start here: [LINK].

- Xander
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Re: Samsung S i9000 + Mindsensors

Post by HaWe » ain't seen nothing yet
b-b-b-baby...I w-was af-f-f-raid of that.^^

b-b-b-but now I finally found the missing information about the ADK board ... &PAGE_id=6

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Re: Samsung S i9000 + Mindsensors

Post by timpattinson »

mightor wrote:C++ on Android?
I think it still requires a bit of Java to act as "glue"
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Re: Samsung S i9000 + Mindsensors

Post by mightor »

Yeah, it's not a whole lot different from the "ARMlets" concept that Palm used for their PalmOS 5 devices. It's only to speed certain things up and they're loaded much like .dll/.so's

- Xander
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| Some people, when confronted with a problem, think, "I know, I'll use threads,"
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