8wd cake platform

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Re: 8wd cake platform

Post by jwiger »

mattallen37 wrote:I'd say the 2x4 Lego Brick is just about the most popular of all Legos (at least as a symbol). How about placing one on top, spinning it, and calling it "The solution to a common whirled piece" :lol:
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Re: 8wd cake platform

Post by spillerrec »

I have a 2x4 red Lego brick in a bit larger scale (something like 4 x 8 cm) so that will work out.

Here is a work-in-process photo of the bottom layer:
The gearing I made has the flaw that it can't be supported on both sides and that it is more difficult to hold in place since it extends in the way it does.
So in order to make it support higher loads I think something like this would work better:
I don't have the time to redo that anyway though...
My blog: http://spillerrec.dk/category/lego/
RICcreator, an alternative to nxtRICeditV2: http://riccreator.sourceforge.net/
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