NTX brick issues

Discussion specific to the intelligent brick, sensors, motors, and more.
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NTX brick issues

Post by kilio79 »


I have recently purchased NXT 2.0.  Unfortunately, I have faced few major issues with the NXT brick:

1. I noticed that it is not possible to set degrees or rotations while using the servo motors. They do not stop. However, it is not a problem to set durations in seconds. These commands being successfully executed.

2. The "Try Me" programs do not give any results except the touch sensor. The ultrasonic one doesn't give any result. It is the same with motors, regardless if I  check degrees or rotations.

I haven't tested the light sensor yet.

Please provide me with detailed instructions how to test all the sensors and motors in order to make sure that they are properly operating. I have tried to change the firmware to 1.26, 1.29 and 1.31. This haven't solved these problems.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Re: NTX brick issues

Post by hassenplug »

kilio79 wrote: 1. I noticed that it is not possible to set degrees or rotations while using the servo motors. They do not stop. However, it is not a problem to set durations in seconds. These commands being successfully executed.
Can you explain a bit more about what you're trying to do? How are you setting the degrees & rotations. (what software are you using)

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Re: NTX brick issues

Post by kilio79 »

Hello Steve,

I have managed to fix it. The solution was easy, although the problem was pretty complicated.

I have tried to make a vehicle robot to make a 180-degree turn in place by using the Lego Mindstorms application . The problem was that one of the motors didn't stop and the robot was spinning. Today I have checked again the brick. It appears that middle copper pins of socket B were touching each other. This had an effect on the rotation sensor of the motor. Actually, on all the motors rotation sensors. I was unable to use any of the other sensors properly as well. As I explained earlier even the "Try Me" brick program wasn't working at all. I have set the copper pin in the proper position and updated again the brick firmware. Now it is working like a charm. Hopefully, it wasn't necessary to send back the brick to Lego.

Thank you very much for your assistance, though!

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