BBCode Wishlist

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Re: BBCode Wishlist

Post by HaWe »

maybe you asked the wrong question (what exactly was your question? Latex the Life, the Universe, and all the rest?)
maybe try to ask a little simpler Question:
doc-helmut wrote:test:

Code: Select all

[math]{d\over dt}{\partial{T}\over \partial{\dot{\varphi}_j}} - {\partial{}\over \partial{\varphi_j}} (T-V) = 0[/math]
or try to ask your forum's system administrator... ;)

what have they done to your face? did you have to listen to some Vogon's poetry?
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Re: BBCode Wishlist

Post by mightor »

what have they done to your face? did you have to listen to some Vogon's poetry?
It's Halloween and a zombie bit me.

- Xander
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Re: BBCode Wishlist

Post by muntoo »

mightor wrote:
what have they done to your face? did you have to listen to some Vogon's poetry?
It's Halloween and a zombie bit me.

- Xander
LOL, I need to save this:
Xander, after my pet bit him.
Xander, after my pet bit him.
68.jpg (8.97 KiB) Viewed 21019 times

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Re: BBCode Wishlist

Post by muntoo »

muntoo wrote:LOL, I need to save this:
Still laughing. :lol:

Anyways, can we have support for spoilers?

And with images, we could do this in our signatures to have extra content?:

Code: Select all

[spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler] Over 90px!

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Re: BBCode Wishlist

Post by nxtboy »

I know how you could fix the Math BBCode. Just open the PHP file, and replace $_POST[] s with $_GET[] s. Change the form to use the get method, and bingo, it works!
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Re: BBCode Wishlist

Post by mightor »

I tried the GET vs POST thing. The problem is that the arguments are base64 encoded. It will take some time and effort for me to change this to a non-encoded variant. If you can figure it out, let me know and I'll be happy to test it out. PHP is not my favourite language and this seems like a lot of effort for something that will only be used by a very small handful.

- Xander

Code: Select all

if($source) $dynurl = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']."/".str_replace("=","-",base64_encode($source))."/$density/".(($transparent && ($type=="png" || $type=="gif") || $preview && $type=="eps") ? 1 : 0)."/result.$type";

if($source && ($type=="eps" || $inline=="")) { header("Location: $dynurl"); exit(); }

list($encsource,$encdens,$enctrans,$enctype) = explode('/', substr($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],1));
if ($encsource) $source = base64_decode(str_replace("=","-",$encsource));
if ($encdens) $density = $encdens;
if ($enctrans==1) { $transparent = "yes"; $preview = "yes"; }
if ($enctype) $type = substr($enctype, 7);
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Re: BBCode Wishlist

Post by muntoo »

OK, this should be easier... and might be more used. Especially by me.


And after that, could you make it so that:

In order to kill someone, you need to do this:

Code: Select all

#define LIFE 42
#define DEATH NULL

class Person
    string name;
    int age;
    int state;
    Person(string n, int a, int s);

Person::Person(string n, int a, int s)
    name = n;
    age = a;
    state = s;
And now, [`]Person toKill("Xander Sooldat", 42, ALIVE);[/`], and next, [`]toKill.state = DEAD;[/`], and finally, [`] = "Barrack Obama";[/`]. That gets past BOTH the CIA and FBI![/i]

Where [ `] and [ /`] make whatever's inside them the font Courier New.

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Re: BBCode Wishlist

Post by muntoo »

Yet another wish(es). :)
  • tags
    [*] The ability to use < img > HTML tags. This way, we can change the image size inside our signatures to make sure they're not over 90 height.

* Testing [`]int main()[/`]

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Re: BBCode Wishlist

Post by nxtreme »

It'd also be nice to have support for sub&superscript (for things like the "2" in I2C. See, doesn't support it yet...). phpBB should support it. I found a few pages that might be of interest: 1, 2. If it's not possible or just too complicated thats fine, just a suggestion.
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Re: BBCode Wishlist

Post by mightor »

Test 1 2 3

- Xander
| My Blog: I'd Rather Be Building Robots (
| RobotC 3rd Party Driver Suite: (
| Some people, when confronted with a problem, think, "I know, I'll use threads,"
| and then two they hav erpoblesms. (@nedbat)
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