NXC: HTSmux issue (not sure if resolved)

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NXC: HTSmux issue (not sure if resolved)

Post by HaWe »

to my observation there is an HTSmux issue: it's not working correctly having attached US sensors (Mx1 ok, Mx2 or Mx3 faulty).

USS at Mx1
USS at Mx2
Touch at Mx3
Touch at Mx4

all values are shown correctly EXCEPT the USS at Mx2 (always 0)

if I change or reverse the US sensor hardware it remains the same (so it's no USS hardware issue).
if I change Touch to Mx2 and USS to Mx3 then Mx2 is shown correctly, but Mx3 is always 0 (so it's no SMUX hardware issue).

Code: Select all

#include "HTSMUX-driver.h"

#define clreol  DRAW_OPT_CLEAR_EOL

task main () {

  int val = 0;
  // configure the port for low speed I2C
  SetSensor(S1, SENSOR_LOWSPEED);  

  while (true) {

    val = smuxSensorLegoUS(msensor_S1_1);
    TextOut(0, 48, "S1 US:", clreol);   NumOut(60, 48, val);
    val = smuxSensorLegoUS(msensor_S1_2);
    TextOut(0, 40, "S2 US:", clreol);   NumOut(60, 40, val);
    val = HTSMUXreadAnalogue(msensor_S1_3);
    TextOut(0, 32, "S3 Touch:", clreol);   NumOut(60, 32, val);
    val = HTSMUXreadAnalogue(msensor_S1_4);
    TextOut(0, 24, "S4 Touch:", clreol);   NumOut(60, 24, val);

Code: Select all

 * $Id$

#ifndef __HTSMUX_DRIVER_H__
#define __HTSMUX_DRIVER_H__

/** \file HTSMUX-driver.h
 * \brief HiTechnic Sensor MUX driver
 * HTSMUX-driver.h provides an API for the HiTechnic Sensor MUX.  This program
 * demonstrates how to use that API.
 * Changelog:
 * - 0.1: Initial release
 * - 0.2: ADDED 
 * - int smuxSensorLegoUS(const byte muxport);
 * - int smuxSensorLegoLightRaw(const byte muxport);
 * - int smuxSensorLegoLightNorm(const byte muxport);
 * - bool smuxSetSensorLegoLight(const byte muxport, const bool active);
 * - int smuxSensorLegoSoundRaw(const byte muxport);
 * - int smuxSensorLegoSoundNorm(const byte muxport);
 * - bool smuxSetSensorLegoSound(const byte muxport, const bool dba);
 * - int sensorLegoUS(const byte muxport);
 * - 0.3: Added proper return code to HT Accelerometer function
 * - 0.4: Changed how sensor types are stored, now uses single dimension array
 * Credits:
 * - Big thanks to HiTechnic for providing me with the hardware necessary to write and test this.
 * - John Hansen for answering my technical and philosophical questions
 * - Hunter Chiou for testing and feedback
 * - Gus Jansson for testing and feedback
 * License: You may use this code as you wish, provided you give credit where it's due.
 * \author Xander Soldaat (mightor_at_gmail.com)
 * \date 08 April 2010
 * \version 0.4
 * \example HTSMUX-test1.nxc
 * \example HTSMUX-test2.nxc

// Macros for coverting
#define SPORT(X)  X / 4         /*!< Convert tMUXSensor to sensor port number */
#define MPORT(X)  X % 4         /*!< Convert tMUXSensor to MUX port number */
#define smuxSensorType(X)       smuxSensor(SPORT(X),MPORT(X)) /*!< Fetch the sensor type */
#define smuxSensor(X,Y)         smuxSensorTypes[X*4+Y]    /*!< Fetch the sensor type */

// Registers
#define HTSMUX_I2C_ADDR         0x10  /*!< HTSMUX I2C device address */
#define HTSMUX_COMMAND          0x20  /*!< Command register */
#define HTSMUX_STATUS           0x21  /*!< Status register */

#define HTSMUX_MODE             0x00  /*!< Sensor mode register */
#define HTSMUX_TYPE             0x01  /*!< Sensor type register */
#define HTSMUX_I2C_COUNT        0x02  /*!< I2C byte count register */
#define HTSMUX_I2C_DADDR        0x03  /*!< I2C device address register */
#define HTSMUX_I2C_MADDR        0x04  /*!< I2C memory address register */
#define HTSMUX_CH_OFFSET        0x22  /*!< Channel register offset */
#define HTSMUX_CH_ENTRY_SIZE    0x05  /*!< Number of registers per sensor channel */

#define HTSMUX_ANALOG           0x36  /*!< Analogue upper 8 bits register */
#define HTSMUX_AN_ENTRY_SIZE    0x02  /*!< Number of registers per analogue channel */

#define HTSMUX_I2C_BUF          0x40  /*!< I2C buffer register offset */
#define HTSMUX_BF_ENTRY_SIZE    0x10  /*!< Number of registers per buffer */

// Command fields
#define HTSMUX_CMD_HALT         0x00  /*!< Halt multiplexer command */
#define HTSMUX_CMD_AUTODETECT   0x01  /*!< Start auto-detect function command */
#define HTSMUX_CMD_RUN          0x02  /*!< Start normal multiplexer operation command */

// Status
#define HTSMUX_STAT_NORMAL      0x00  /*!< Nothing going on, everything's fine */
#define HTSMUX_STAT_BATT        0x01  /*!< No battery voltage detected status */
#define HTSMUX_STAT_BUSY        0x02  /*!< Auto-dected in progress status */
#define HTSMUX_STAT_HALT        0x04  /*!< Multiplexer is halted status */
#define HTSMUX_STAT_ERROR       0x08  /*!< Command error detected status */
#define HTSMUX_STAT_NOTHING     0xFF  /*!< Status hasn't really been set yet */

// Channel modes
#define HTSMUX_CHAN_NONE        0X00  /*!< Turn off all options for this channel */
#define HTSMUX_CHAN_I2C         0x01  /*!< I2C channel present channel mode */
#define HTSMUX_CHAN_9V          0x02  /*!< Enable 9v supply on analogue pin channel mode */
#define HTSMUX_CHAN_DIG0_HIGH   0x04  /*!< Drive pin 0 high channel mode */
#define HTSMUX_CHAN_DIG1_HIGH   0x08  /*!< Drive pin 1 high channel mode */
#define HTSMUX_CHAN_I2C_SLOW    0x10  /*!< Set slow I2C rate channel mode */

/*!< Sensor types as detected by SMUX */
const byte HTSMUXAnalogue     = 0x00;   /*!< Standard Analogue Sensor */
const byte HTSMUXLegoUS       = 0x01;   /*!< Lego Ultrasound Sensor */
const byte HTSMUXCompass      = 0x02;   /*!< HiTechnic Compass Sensor */
const byte HTSMUXColor        = 0x03;   /*!< HiTechnic Colour (V1) Sensor */
const byte HTSMUXAccel        = 0x04;   /*!< HiTechnic Acceleration Sensor */
const byte HTSMUXIRSeeker     = 0x05;   /*!< HiTechnic IR Seeker (V1) Sensor */
const byte HTSMUXProto        = 0x06;   /*!< HiTechnic Prototype Board Sensor */
const byte HTSMUXColorNew     = 0x07;   /*!< HiTechnic Colour (V2) Sensor */
const byte HTSMUXIRSeekerNew  = 0x09;   /*!< HiTechnic IR Seeker (V2) Sensor */
const byte HTSMUXSensorNone   = 0xFF;   /*!< No Sensor detected */
/*!< Sensor and SMUX port combinations */
const byte msensor_S1_1 = 0;           /*!< NXT Sensor Port 1, SMUX Port 1 */
const byte msensor_S1_2 = 1;           /*!< NXT Sensor Port 1, SMUX Port 2 */
const byte msensor_S1_3 = 2;           /*!< NXT Sensor Port 1, SMUX Port 3 */
const byte msensor_S1_4 = 3;           /*!< NXT Sensor Port 1, SMUX Port 4 */
const byte msensor_S2_1 = 4;           /*!< NXT Sensor Port 2, SMUX Port 1 */
const byte msensor_S2_2 = 5;           /*!< NXT Sensor Port 2, SMUX Port 2 */
const byte msensor_S2_3 = 6;           /*!< NXT Sensor Port 2, SMUX Port 3 */
const byte msensor_S2_4 = 7;           /*!< NXT Sensor Port 2, SMUX Port 4 */
const byte msensor_S3_1 = 8;           /*!< NXT Sensor Port 3, SMUX Port 1 */
const byte msensor_S3_2 = 9;           /*!< NXT Sensor Port 3, SMUX Port 2 */
const byte msensor_S3_3 = 10;          /*!< NXT Sensor Port 3, SMUX Port 3 */
const byte msensor_S3_4 = 11;          /*!< NXT Sensor Port 3, SMUX Port 4 */
const byte msensor_S4_1 = 12;          /*!< NXT Sensor Port 4, SMUX Port 1 */
const byte msensor_S4_2 = 13;          /*!< NXT Sensor Port 4, SMUX Port 2 */
const byte msensor_S4_3 = 14;          /*!< NXT Sensor Port 4, SMUX Port 3 */
const byte msensor_S4_4 = 15;          /*!< NXT Sensor Port 4, SMUX Port 4 */

byte smuxSensorTypes[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; /*!< Array to hold scanned and detected sensor types */
byte smuxStatus[4] = {HTSMUX_STAT_NOTHING, HTSMUX_STAT_NOTHING, HTSMUX_STAT_NOTHING, HTSMUX_STAT_NOTHING}; /*!< Array to hold current state of SMUXes connected to the NXT */

// Prototypes

// HiTechnic Sensor MUX port scanning function.  This must be called before 
// any sensors can be polled
bool HTSMUXscanPorts(const byte smux);

// HiTechnic Accelerometer
bool smuxReadSensorHTAccel(const byte muxport, int &x, int &y, int &z);

// HiTechnic IR Seeker V2
bool smuxReadSensorHTIRSeeker2AC(const byte muxport, byte &dir, byte &s1, byte &s2, byte &s3, byte &s4, byte &s5);
int smuxSensorHTIRSeeker2ACDir(const byte muxport);
bool smuxReadSensorHTIRSeeker2DC(const byte muxport, byte &dir, byte &s1, byte &s2, byte &s3, byte &s4, byte &s5, byte &avg) ;
int smuxSensorHTIRSeeker2DCDir(const byte muxport);
bool smuxReadSensorHTIRSeeker(const byte muxport, byte &dir, byte &s1, byte &s2, byte &s3, byte &s4, byte &s5);
int smuxSensorHTIRSeekerDir(const byte muxport);

// HiTechnic Colour Sensor (V1/V2)
bool smuxReadSensorHTColor(const byte muxport, int &colnum, int &red, int &green, int &blue);
int smuxSensorHTColorNum(const byte muxport);

// HiTechnic Compass Sensor
int smuxSensorHTCompass(const byte muxport);

// HiTechnic EOPD Sensor
int smuxSensorHTEOPD(const byte muxport);
int smuxSensorRawHTEOPD(const byte muxport);
bool smuxSetSensorHTEOPD(const byte muxport, const bool bStandard);

// HiTechnic Gyro
int smuxSensorHTGyro(const byte muxport, const int offset);

// Standard LEGO sensors
int smuxSensorLegoUS(const byte muxport);
int smuxSensorLegoLightRaw(const byte muxport);
int smuxSensorLegoLightNorm(const byte muxport);
bool smuxSetSensorLegoLight(const byte muxport, const bool active);
int smuxSensorLegoSoundRaw(const byte muxport);
int smuxSensorLegoSoundNorm(const byte muxport);
bool smuxSetSensorLegoSound(const byte muxport, const bool dba);

// Analogue Sensor specific functions
int HTSMUXreadAnalogue (const byte muxport);
bool HTSMUXsetAnalogueInactive(const byte muxport);
bool HTSMUXsetAnalogueActive(const byte muxport);

// Digital Sensor specific functions
bool HTSMUXreadDigital (const byte muxport, byte &data[], const byte offset, const byte length);

// Internal HiTechnic Sensor MUX functions that should be not used directly
bool _HTSMUXsetMode(const byte muxport, const byte mode);
byte _HTSMUXreadStatus(const byte smux);
bool _HTSMUXsendCmd(const byte smux, const byte cmd);

 * Send a command to the SMUX.
 * command can be one of the following:
 * Note: this is an internal function and should not be called directly
 * @param smux the SMUX port number
 * @param cmd the command to be sent to the SMUX
 * @return true if no error occured, false if it did
bool _HTSMUXsendCmd(const byte smux, const byte cmd)  {
  byte sendMsg[];
  ArrayBuild(sendMsg, HTSMUX_I2C_ADDR, HTSMUX_COMMAND, cmd);

  // Send the command to the SMUX
  while (I2CCheckStatus(smux) == STAT_COMM_PENDING) Yield();
  I2CWrite(smux, 0, sendMsg);

  // if the HTSMUX_CMD_AUTODETECT command has
  // been given, wait 500 ms

  // Wait 50ms after SMUX is halted
  } else if (cmd == HTSMUX_CMD_HALT) {
  // Set the status variable appropriately 
  switch(cmd) {
        smuxStatus[smux] = HTSMUX_STAT_HALT;
        smuxStatus[smux] = HTSMUX_STAT_BUSY;
    case HTSMUX_CMD_RUN:
        smuxStatus[smux] = HTSMUX_STAT_NORMAL;
  while ((I2CCheckStatus(smux) == STAT_COMM_PENDING) && (I2CCheckStatus(smux) != NO_ERR)) Yield();
  return (I2CCheckStatus(smux) == NO_ERR);

 * Read the value returned by the sensor attached the SMUX. This function
 * is for I2C sensors.
 * @param muxport the SMUX sensor port number
 * @param data array to hold values returned from SMUX
 * @param offset the offset used to start reading from
 * @param length the size of the I2C reply
 * @return true if no error occured, false if it did
bool HTSMUXreadDigital (const byte muxport, byte &data[], const byte offset, const byte length) {
  byte sendMsg[];
  // Work-around for built-in macros that can't grok this.
  byte smux = SPORT(muxport);
  byte channel = MPORT(muxport);
  ArrayInit(data, 0, length);
  ArrayInit(sendMsg, 0, 2);
  // If we're in the middle of a scan, abort this call
  if (smuxStatus[smux] == HTSMUX_STAT_BUSY) {
    return false;
  // Are we ready to run
  } else if (smuxStatus[smux] != HTSMUX_STAT_NORMAL) {
    if (!_HTSMUXsendCmd(smux, HTSMUX_CMD_RUN))
      return false;
  sendMsg[0] = HTSMUX_I2C_ADDR; // Address of SMUX
  // Buffer register
  sendMsg[1] = HTSMUX_I2C_BUF + (channel * HTSMUX_BF_ENTRY_SIZE) + offset;
  // Query the SMUX and read the response
  while (I2CCheckStatus(smux) == STAT_COMM_PENDING) Yield();    
  return I2CBytes(smux, sendMsg, length, data);

 * Read the value returned by the sensor attached the SMUX. This function
 * is for analogue sensors.
 * @param muxport the SMUX sensor port number
 * @return the value of the sensor or -1 if an error occurred.
int HTSMUXreadAnalogue (const byte muxport) {
  byte sendMsg[2];
  byte readMsg[2];
  const byte count = 2;
  // Work-around for built-in macros that can't grok this.
  byte smux = SPORT(muxport);
  byte channel = MPORT(muxport);
  if (smuxStatus[smux] == HTSMUX_STAT_BUSY) {
    return false;
  // Are we ready to run
  } else if (smuxStatus[smux] != HTSMUX_STAT_NORMAL) {
    if (!_HTSMUXsendCmd(smux, HTSMUX_CMD_RUN))
      return false;
  sendMsg[0] = HTSMUX_I2C_ADDR; // Address of SMUX
               // Buffer register
  sendMsg[1] = HTSMUX_ANALOG + (channel * HTSMUX_AN_ENTRY_SIZE);
  // Query the SMUX and read the response
  while (I2CCheckStatus(smux) == STAT_COMM_PENDING) Yield();  
  if (I2CBytes(smux, sendMsg, count, readMsg))
    return ((readMsg[0] & 0x00FF) * 4) + (readMsg[1] & 0x00FF);
    return 0;

 * Read the status of the SMUX
 * The status byte is made up of the following bits:
 * | D7 | D6 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D1 |
 * -D1 - HTSMUX_STAT_BATT: No battery voltage detected
 * -D2 - HTSMUX_STAT_BUSY: Auto-dected in progress status
 * -D3 - HTSMUX_STAT_HALT: Multiplexer is halted
 * -D4 - HTSMUX_STAT_ERROR: Command error detected
 * Note: this is an internal function and should not be called directly 
 * @param smux the SMUX port number
 * @return the status byte
byte _HTSMUXreadStatus(const byte smux) {
  byte sendMsg[];
  byte readMsg[];
  const byte count = 1;
  ArrayBuild(sendMsg, HTSMUX_I2C_ADDR, HTSMUX_STATUS);

  // Query the SMUX and read the response
  while (I2CCheckStatus(smux) == STAT_COMM_PENDING) Yield();
  if (I2CBytes(smux, sendMsg, count, readMsg))
    return readMsg[0] & 0x00FF;
    return 0;

 * Scan the specified SMUX's channels and configure them. This function must be
 * called before the sensors attached to it can be queried.
 * Note: this functions takes 500ms to return while the scan is in progress.
 * @param smux the SMUX port number
 * @return true if no error occured, false if it did
bool HTSMUXscanPorts(const byte smux) {
  byte sendMsg[];
  byte readMsg[];

  byte foo = 0;  
  const byte size = 1;
  // Initialise array
  ArrayInit(sendMsg, 0, 2);
  // If we're in the middle of a scan, abort this call
  if (smuxStatus[smux] == HTSMUX_STAT_BUSY)
    return false;
  // Always make sure the SMUX is in the halted state
  if (!_HTSMUXsendCmd(smux, HTSMUX_CMD_HALT))
    return false;

  // Commence scanning the ports and allow up to 500ms to complete
    return false;
  // When the SMUX is done with scanning, it reverts back to halted mode.
  smuxStatus[smux] = HTSMUX_STAT_HALT;

  // Populate the smuxSensor array with the sensor types
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    // Query the SMUX and read the response
    while (I2CCheckStatus(smux) == STAT_COMM_PENDING) Yield();
    sendMsg[0] = HTSMUX_I2C_ADDR;   // I2C Address
    if (I2CBytes(smux, sendMsg, size, readMsg)) {
      smuxSensor(smux,i) = readMsg[0];
    } else {
      smuxSensor(smux,i) = HTSMUXSensorNone;
  return true;

 * Set the mode of a SMUX channel.
 * Mode can be one or more of the following:
 * @param muxport the SMUX sensor port number
 * @param mode the mode to set the channel to
 * @return true if no error occured, false if it did
bool _HTSMUXsetMode(const byte muxport, const byte mode) {
  // Work-around for built-in macros that can't grok this.
  byte smux = SPORT(muxport);
  byte channel = MPORT(muxport);

  byte sendMsg[];
  byte regaddr = HTSMUX_CH_OFFSET + HTSMUX_MODE + (HTSMUX_CH_ENTRY_SIZE * channel);
  ArrayBuild(sendMsg, HTSMUX_I2C_ADDR, regaddr, mode);
  // If we're in the middle of a scan, abort this call
  if (smuxStatus[smux] == HTSMUX_STAT_BUSY) {
    return false;
  } else if (smuxStatus[smux] != HTSMUX_STAT_HALT) {
	  // Always make sure the SMUX is in the halted state
	  if (!_HTSMUXsendCmd(smux, HTSMUX_CMD_HALT))
	    return false;

  // Send the command to the SMUX
  while (I2CCheckStatus(smux) == STAT_COMM_PENDING) Yield();
  I2CWrite(smux, 0, sendMsg);
  while ((I2CCheckStatus(smux) == STAT_COMM_PENDING) && (I2CCheckStatus(smux) != NO_ERR)) Yield();
  return (I2CCheckStatus(smux) == NO_ERR);

 * Set the mode of an analogue channel to Active (turn the light on)
 * @param muxport the SMUX sensor port number
 * @return true if no error occured, false if it did
bool HTSMUXsetAnalogueActive(const byte muxport) {
  if(smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXAnalogue)
    return false;

  if (!_HTSMUXsetMode(muxport, HTSMUX_CHAN_DIG0_HIGH))
    return false;

  return _HTSMUXsendCmd(SPORT(muxport), HTSMUX_CMD_RUN);

 * Set the mode of an analogue channel to Inactive (turn the light off)
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number
 * @return True if no error occured, false if it did
bool HTSMUXsetAnalogueInactive(const byte muxport) {
  if(smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXAnalogue)
    return false;

  if (!_HTSMUXsetMode(muxport, 0))
    return false;

  return _HTSMUXsendCmd(SPORT(muxport), HTSMUX_CMD_RUN);

 * Read LEGO Ultra Sound sensor.
 * Read LEGO Ultra Sound sensor on the specified smux port.
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number
 * @return The LEGO US sensor reading.
int smuxSensorLegoUS(const byte muxport) {
  byte sensorVal[];
  if (!HTSMUXreadDigital (muxport, sensorVal, 0, 1))
    return 255;
    return sensorVal[0] & 0x00FF;

 * Read HiTechnic Gyro sensor.
 * Read the HiTechnic Gyro sensor on the specified smux port. The offset value should
 * be calculated by averaging several readings with an offset of zero while the 
 * sensor is perfectly still.
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number.
 * @param offset The zero offset.
 * @return The Gyro sensor reading.
int smuxSensorHTGyro(const byte muxport, const int offset) {
  return HTSMUXreadAnalogue (muxport) - offset;

 * Set sensor as HiTechnic EOPD.
 * Configure the sensor on the specified port as a HiTechnic EOPD sensor.
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number.
 * @param bStandard Configure in standard or long-range mode.
 * @return True if no error occured, false if it did
bool smuxSetSensorHTEOPD(const byte muxport, const bool bStandard) {
  // short range is set by making the sensor analogue inactive
  if (bStandard)
    return HTSMUXsetAnalogueInactive(muxport);
    return HTSMUXsetAnalogueActive(muxport);

 * Read HiTechnic EOPD sensor (raw value).
 * Read the HiTechnic EOPD sensor (raw value) on the specified port.
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number.
 * @return The EOPD sensor reading (raw value).
int smuxSensorRawHTEOPD(const byte muxport) {
  return 1023 - HTSMUXreadAnalogue(muxport);

 * Read HiTechnic EOPD sensor (processed value).
 * Read the HiTechnic EOPD sensor (processed value) on the specified port.
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number.
 * @return The EOPD sensor reading (processed value).
int smuxSensorHTEOPD(const byte muxport) {
  return sqrt(smuxSensorRawHTEOPD(muxport) * 10);

 * Read HiTechnic compass.
 * Read the compass heading value of the HiTechnic Compass sensor on the 
 * specified port.
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number.
 * @return The compass heading.
int smuxSensorHTCompass(const byte muxport) {
  byte readMsg[];
  // Check if the attached sensor really -is- a compass sensor
  if (smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXCompass)
    return -1;
  if (!HTSMUXreadDigital (muxport, readMsg, 0, 2))
    return -1;
    return ((readMsg[0]  & 0x00FF) * 2) + (readMsg[1] & 0x00FF);

 * Read HiTechnic color sensor color number.
 * Read the color number from the HiTechnic Color sensor on the specified port. 
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number.
 * @return The color number.
int smuxSensorHTColorNum(const byte muxport) {
  byte readMsg[];
  // Check if the attached sensor really -is- a colour sensor
  if ((smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXColor) 
   && (smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXColorNew))
    return -1;
  if (!HTSMUXreadDigital (muxport, readMsg, 0, 1))
    return 0;
    return readMsg[0] & 0x00FF;

 * Read HiTechnic Color values.
 * Read the red, green, and blue values from the HiTechnic Color sensor. 
 * Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the operation completed 
 * successfully
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number.
 * @param colnum The colour number currently detected
 * @param red The red color value.
 * @param green The green color value.
 * @param blue The raw blue color value.
 * @return True if no error occured, false if it did
bool smuxReadSensorHTColor(const byte muxport, int &colnum, int &red, int &green, int &blue) {
  byte readMsg[];
  // Check if the attached sensor really -is- a colour sensor
  if ((smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXColor) 
   && (smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXColorNew))
    return false;
  if (!HTSMUXreadDigital (muxport, readMsg, 0, 4))
    return false;

  colnum = readMsg[0] & 0x00FF;
  red    = readMsg[1] & 0x00FF;
  green  = readMsg[2] & 0x00FF;
  blue   = readMsg[3] & 0x00FF;
  return true;

 * Read HiTechnic IRSeeker direction.
 * Read the direction value of the HiTechnic IR Seeker on the specified port. 
 * @param muxport The sensor port.
 * @return The IRSeeker direction.
int smuxSensorHTIRSeekerDir(const byte muxport) {
  byte readMsg[];

  // Check if the attached sensor really -is- a compass sensor
  if ((smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXIRSeeker) 
   && (smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXIRSeekerNew))
    return -1;
  if (!HTSMUXreadDigital (muxport, readMsg, 0, 1))
    return 0;
    return readMsg[0] & 0x00FF;

 * Read HiTechnic IRSeeker values.
 * Read direction, and five signal strength values from the HiTechnic IRSeeker 
 * sensor. Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the operation 
 * completed successfully. 
 * @param muxport The sensor port.
 * @param dir The direction.
 * @param s1 The signal strength from sensor 1.
 * @param s2 The signal strength from sensor 2.
 * @param s3 The signal strength from sensor 3.
 * @param s4 The signal strength from sensor 4.
 * @param s5 The signal strength from sensor 5. 
 * @return True if no error occured, false if it did
bool smuxReadSensorHTIRSeeker(const byte muxport, byte &dir, byte &s1, byte &s2, byte &s3, byte &s4, byte &s5) {
  byte readMsg[];
  // Check if the attached sensor really -is- a compass sensor
  if (smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXIRSeekerNew)
    return false;
  if (!HTSMUXreadDigital (muxport, readMsg, 0, 6))
    return false;

  dir = readMsg[0];
  s1  = readMsg[1];
  s2  = readMsg[2];
  s3  = readMsg[3];
  s4  = readMsg[4];
  s5  = readMsg[5];
  return true; 

 * Read HiTechnic IRSeeker2 DC direction.
 * Read the DC direction value from the HiTechnic IR Seeker2 on the specified port.
 * @param muxport The sensor port.
 * @return The IRSeeker2 DC direction.
int smuxSensorHTIRSeeker2DCDir(const byte muxport) {
  return smuxSensorHTIRSeekerDir(muxport);

 * Read HiTechnic IRSeeker2 DC values.
 * Read direction, five signal strength, and average strength values from the 
 * HiTechnic IRSeeker2 sensor. Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not
 * the operation completed successfully 
 * @param muxport The sensor port.
 * @param dir The direction.
 * @param s1 The signal strength from sensor 1.
 * @param s2 The signal strength from sensor 2.
 * @param s3 The signal strength from sensor 3.
 * @param s4 The signal strength from sensor 4.
 * @param s5 The signal strength from sensor 5. 
 * @param avg The average signal strength.
 * @return True if no error occured, false if it did
bool smuxReadSensorHTIRSeeker2DC(const byte muxport, byte &dir, byte &s1, byte &s2, byte &s3, byte &s4, byte &s5, byte &avg) {
  byte readMsg[];
  // Check if the attached sensor really -is- a compass sensor
  if (smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXIRSeekerNew)
    return false;
  if (!HTSMUXreadDigital (muxport, readMsg, 0, 7))
    return false;

  dir = readMsg[0];
  s1  = readMsg[1];
  s2  = readMsg[2];
  s3  = readMsg[3];
  s4  = readMsg[4];
  s5  = readMsg[5];
  avg = readMsg[6];
  return true; 

 * Read HiTechnic IRSeeker2 AC direction.
 * Read the AC direction value from the HiTechnic IR Seeker2 on the specified port.
 * @param muxport The sensor port.
 * @return The IRSeeker2 AC direction.
int smuxSensorHTIRSeeker2ACDir(const byte muxport) {
  byte readMsg[];
  // Check if the attached sensor really -is- a compass sensor
  if (smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXIRSeekerNew)
    return -1;
  if (!HTSMUXreadDigital (muxport, readMsg, 7, 1))
    return 0;
    return readMsg[0] & 0x00FF;

 * Read HiTechnic IRSeeker2 AC values.
 * Read direction, and five signal strength values from the HiTechnic IRSeeker2 
 * sensor in AC mode. Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not
 * the operation completed successfully 
 * @param muxport The sensor port.
 * @param dir The direction.
 * @param s1 The signal strength from sensor 1.
 * @param s2 The signal strength from sensor 2.
 * @param s3 The signal strength from sensor 3.
 * @param s4 The signal strength from sensor 4.
 * @param s5 The signal strength from sensor 5. 
 * @return True if no error occured, false if it did
bool smuxReadSensorHTIRSeeker2AC(const byte muxport, byte &dir, byte &s1, byte &s2, byte &s3, byte &s4, byte &s5) {
  byte readMsg[];
  // Check if the attached sensor really -is- a compass sensor
  if (smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXIRSeekerNew)
    return false;
  if (!HTSMUXreadDigital (muxport, readMsg, 7, 6))
    return false;

  dir = readMsg[0];
  s1  = readMsg[1];
  s2  = readMsg[2];
  s3  = readMsg[3];
  s4  = readMsg[4];
  s5  = readMsg[5];
  return true;  

 * Read HiTechnic acceleration values.
 * Read X, Y, and Z axis acceleration values from the HiTechnic Accelerometer 
 * sensor. Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the operation 
 * completed successfully. 
 * @param muxport The sensor port.
 * @param x The output x-axis acceleration.
 * @param y The output y-axis acceleration.
 * @param z The output z-axis acceleration.
 * @return True if no error occured, false if it did
bool smuxReadSensorHTAccel(const byte muxport, int &x, int &y, int &z) {
  byte readMsg[];
  if (smuxSensorType(muxport) != HTSMUXAccel)
    return false;

  if (!HTSMUXreadDigital(muxport, readMsg, 0, 6)) {
    return false;

  // Convert 2 bytes into a signed 10 bit value.  If the 8 high bits are more than 127, make
  // it a signed value before combing it with the lower 2 bits.
  // Gotta love conditional assignments!
  x = (readMsg[0] > 127) ? ((readMsg[0] - 256) * 4) + readMsg[3]
                                   : (readMsg[0] * 4) + readMsg[3];

  y = (readMsg[1] > 127) ? ((readMsg[1] - 256) * 4) + readMsg[4]
                                   : (readMsg[1] * 4) + readMsg[4];

  z = (readMsg[2] > 127) ? ((readMsg[2] - 256) * 4) + readMsg[5]
                                   : (readMsg[2] * 4) + readMsg[5];
  return true;

#endif // __HTSMUX_DRIVER_H__

 * Read LEGO Light sensor (raw value).
 * Read LEGO Lightsensor (raw value) on the specified port.
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number.
 * @return Read LEGO Light sensor reading (raw value).
int smuxSensorLegoLightRaw(const byte muxport) {
  return 1023 - HTSMUXreadAnalogue(muxport);

 * Read LEGO Light sensor (normalised value).
 * Read LEGO Lightsensor (normalised value) on the specified port.
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number.
 * @return Read LEGO Light sensor reading (normalised value).
int smuxSensorLegoLightNorm(const byte muxport) {
  long val = smuxSensorLegoLightRaw(muxport);
  return (val * 100) / 1024;

 * Set sensor as LEGO Light sensor.
 * Configure the sensor on the specified port as a LEGO Light sensor.
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number.
 * @param active Configure in active or inactive mode.
 * @return True if no error occured, false if it did
bool smuxSetSensorLegoLight(const byte muxport, const bool active) {
  if (!active)
    return HTSMUXsetAnalogueInactive(muxport);
    return HTSMUXsetAnalogueActive(muxport);

 * Read HiTechnic EOPD sensor (raw value).
 * Read the HiTechnic EOPD sensor (raw value) on the specified port.
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number.
 * @return The EOPD sensor reading (raw value).
int smuxSensorLegoSoundRaw(const byte muxport) {
  return 1023 - HTSMUXreadAnalogue(muxport);

 * Read LEGO Sound sensor (normalised value).
 * Read LEGO Sound sensor (normalised value) on the specified port.
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number.
 * @return Read LEGO Sound sensor reading (normalised value).
int smuxSensorLegoSoundNorm(const byte muxport) {
  long val = smuxSensorLegoSoundRaw(muxport);
  return (val * 100) / 1024;

 * Set sensor as LEGO Sound sensor.
 * Configure the sensor on the specified port as a LEGO Sound sensor.
 * @param muxport The SMUX sensor port number.
 * @param dba Configure in dBA or dB mode.
 * @return True if no error occured, false if it did
bool smuxSetSensorLegoSound(const byte muxport, const bool dba) {
  if (dba)
    return HTSMUXsetAnalogueInactive(muxport);
    return HTSMUXsetAnalogueActive(muxport);

 * $Id$
if I outcomment the 1st USS call it remains the same (always 0 for USS at Mx3)

Code: Select all

#include "HTSMUX-driver.h"

#define clreol  DRAW_OPT_CLEAR_EOL

task main () {

  int val = 0;
  // configure the port for low speed I2C

  while (true) {

    /*val = smuxSensorLegoUS(msensor_S1_1);
    TextOut(0, 48, "S1 US:", clreol);   NumOut(60, 48, val);        */
    val = HTSMUXreadAnalogue(msensor_S1_2);
    TextOut(0, 40, "S2 Touch:", clreol);   NumOut(60, 40, val);
    val = smuxSensorLegoUS(msensor_S1_3);
    TextOut(0, 32, "S3 US:", clreol);   NumOut(60, 32, val);
    val = HTSMUXreadAnalogue(msensor_S1_4);
    TextOut(0, 24, "S4 Touch:", clreol);   NumOut(60, 24, val);

Last edited by HaWe on 25 Nov 2012, 22:39, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2500
Joined: 04 Nov 2014, 19:00

Re: NXC: HTSmux issue (not sure if resolved)

Post by HaWe »

After having plugged and unplugged and replugged all and everything several times now it works fine.
I wonder if any SMux sensor initialization routine went wrong...
Posts: 2500
Joined: 04 Nov 2014, 19:00

Re: NXC: HTSmux issue (not sure if resolved)

Post by HaWe »

indeed it's still rather shaky. Sometimes again certain i2c Sensors send no values and sometimes the whole SMux is not recognized at all at start-up.

Probably it's an underlying hardware issue.
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