NXT 2.0 Bluetooth Problem with PS3 Controller on a PC

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NXT 2.0 Bluetooth Problem with PS3 Controller on a PC

Post by ninjabuddy5 »

Hi all,
I'm new here so sorry if I am posting in the wrong section. I have a problem with my NXT 2.0 and Bluetooth. The brick worked fine connecting with my computer, and I decided that I wanted to use a program to control my NXT with a actual controller. I decided on using MotionJoy to connect a PS3 remote to my computer, and JoyToKey to program the keyboard key assignments to my PS3 controller. This setup worked fine in the Mindstorms software to control my NXT - over USB. When ever I would try to search for my NXT via Bluetooth, the Mindstoms software would search for less than two seconds ad then stop, concluding that no NXT could be. I tried a different Bluetooth adapter, closed the software, uninstalled all of the PS3 controller and MotionJoy software, and it still will not search for more than 2 seconds. If anyone might be able to understand and help me fix this issue, as well as be able to control the NXT via a PS3 controller on a computer and recommend any software it would be much appreciated. Thank you so much,
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Re: NXT 2.0 Bluetooth Problem with PS3 Controller on a PC

Post by mcsummation »

I'm going to ask the "simple question" - Is Bluetooth turned on in the NXT?
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Re: NXT 2.0 Bluetooth Problem with PS3 Controller on a PC

Post by ninjabuddy5 »

Haha, yes the Bluetooth is turned on.
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Re: NXT 2.0 Bluetooth Problem with PS3 Controller on a PC

Post by hassenplug »

If it's responding that fast, it does sound likely that the software is not able to find the bluetooth adapter on the PC.

Check to make sure the lights are coming on, when you connect the adapter. Then, go into your control panel, and see if you can identify the BT adapter. You should be able to go to bluetooth devices, and try to connect from there.

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