vision command

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vision command

Post by dawgmawg »

I appologize if this is already answered in the forums, but I recently got a Mindstorm Vision Command system (gift) and I have an NXT2.0 system. I am pretty sure based off all of the web info that these are 2 different systems (Vision Command is the RCX I believe...).

I have seen that it appears possible to make the Vision command work via the IR sensor of the NSX, but I have not found the actual modification that Haydensystems suggested to do it. Any thoughts on this, is it possible?

I have programed a few things in my day, but I am also trying to teach my son's about computers/robotics and want to gauge the complexity before diving into it with 2 younger kids.

Thx in advance,
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Re: vision command

Post by hassenplug »

I don't think it's been discussed, here. If it has, not very much.

I'm not sure you'll find many pre-made options. The vision command is pretty much just a web cam that plugs into a PC. The PC runs software designed to take input from the web cam, and send messages to the RCX.

I suspect it would be easier to simply write or find new software to talk to the NXT, than to convert the RCX commands to NXT.

I would suggest searching on "Web Cam" and "NXT"

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Re: vision command

Post by circuitmage »

The RoboLab software has modules for vision command in it , I believe. I have not tried it, yet, but that is on my list.

And , I believe the Labview module has them too. Maybe some other SW packages.

It really needs to be PC based, so a stand alone thing would require an netbook mounted with the SW or something.

Also, there are Android apps released which use the phone camera in conjunction with NXT, as another option.

Sorry, no references here, just suggestions from what I have investigated.
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