Error while compiling

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Error while compiling

Post by valbonne »


I obtain some errors when I compile with nbc 1.2.1r4 on ubuntu 12.04 some examples copied on the following website: ... ample.html
The errors are : expected ';' in spite the code cointains it.

I have tried to add -EF for compiling...

I have though that my nbc is not the latest... But I can't find the nbc 1.2.1r5.
Do you how can I solve my compilation problems ?

I thank you in advance for your help,
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Joined: 19 Mar 2013, 08:31

Re: Error while compiling

Post by guillaume-b »

I'm just having the same problem.
I was looking for a linux 64-bits version of bricxcc
I finally found this link : ... -on-linux/

So I wrote a simple hello world programme and compile it with nbc compiler and then dowmload it.
It works correctly. Then I test a program with a cos function (not Cos but cos !) and here i get an error.
It was the same error than when I used the standard firmware on my nxt !But now my nxt have a enhanced firware. The program runs correctly on the nxt if i compile it and download it with my windows computer, but not in my ubuntu computer.
Here is the link of my previous topic with my error (on windows) : ... f=3&t=1795

I'm still looking for a solution for the ubuntu problem.

I foud the nbc 1.2.1r5, but I also have an error, something like : "nbc is not a bynary file"

So I can't help you for the moment, but I'm also looking for a solution.
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Joined: 19 Mar 2013, 08:31

Re: Error while compiling

Post by guillaume-b »

Oh I'm sorry, I just thought a bit after reading your post and reading the nbc's help.
I forgot the -EF option, so now all is working for me !

So maybe, take a look to this link ... -on-linux/
or to the 1.2.1 r5 nbc compiler :

I still have a question, i'm not a very well experimented linux user, so i'm always trying to install the GUI version of bricxcc, for the moment I only have nexttool, the nbc compiler and a lot of source files, but i don't know how to install bricxcc.
If anybody can help me, it will be a pleasure !!
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