Native C-code: Handling EV3 motors and sensors

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Native C-code: Handling EV3 motors and sensors

Post by lvoc »

I wrote a couple of programs that show how to handle motors and sensors in C.
Last edited by lvoc on 20 Nov 2013, 15:12, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Native C-code: Handling EV3 motors and sensors

Post by mightor »

Very nice :) I have some code that wraps a lot of this stuff in some slightly higher level functions that I've been working on for a little while. I am pretty close to releasing it but working out some of the details and API. I'll put it on Git when it's done.

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Re: Native C-code: Handling EV3 motors and sensors

Post by HaWe »

I double that. User-API-code should be sort of wraps around low level functions to make code readable, let it appear logical and intuitively accessable like e.g.: ... 62&start=0

There once was a low level C code API for a embedded renessas-µC (renessas-C for a Fischertechnic robot controller) but it actually has never been accepted by the community and so it finally extincted.
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