Computer Vision project.

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Joined: 07 Aug 2011, 16:02

Computer Vision project.

Post by ilchiodo »

Hello dear MindStormers.

Lately I've been tinkering around a Computer Vision project for my courses at university and since I don't own (yet) any Arduino/Pi/prototyping board, I wanted to try and use my NXT.

Problem is: I've been coding for some time on Brickcc, and am quite confident with NXC. The course rules involve using OpenCV for the image processing/computer vision stuff, plus I do want to use a webcam.

How can I do this? Do I have to switch to Matlab/Microsoft robotics kit/Labview?

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Re: Computer Vision project.

Post by sparramc »

Hi chiodo,

I suggest you look into LeJOS JAVA, as you will have access to the ready made Vision Libraries.

Gloomy Andy should be able to pint you in the relevant direction....

See if you can lay your hands on a copy of Maximum LEGO NXT: Building Robots with Java Brains and/or Intelligence Unleashed: Creating LEGO NXT Robots with Java.

Hope that gets the ball rolling for you?

Ray McNamara

'The Universe Consists of 1% Hydrogen, & the Rest is Ignorance!'
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