air temperature sensor

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air temperature sensor

Post by s0o0so »

Hi all
is the sensor here ... 656&bhcp=1
can be use it as air tempreture sensor

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Re: air temperature sensor

Post by doc222 »

I have never used this. It seems that it is able to read a range that would measure air temp. BUT it does state that you MUST have, "LME NXT Software 2.0 or higher is required". If i am correct this is the Education version of NXT-g. May be an issue if you have a retail set. Perhasp another here can be certain on this?

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Re: air temperature sensor

Post by nxtreme »

can be use it as air tempreture sensor
Yes, I imagine it could. Just stick it in a open area and it should work fine. However, the response time might not be the best. If you want to improve it you could take a large heatsink off of an old motherboard and attach it to the sensor. Use some thermal goop between the two for even better results.

And, it is possible to use this with NXT-G 1.1 or 2.0 retail. However, you have to use the Mindsensors I2C blocks to access the sensor. There was quite a bit of good info on NXTasy however, that is no longer available :). Brian Davis worked on this a bit but he hasn't been very active in these forums; anyone know why? Maybe vacation :). A quick search of The NXT STEP brings up quite a bit [LINK]. One of the posts refers to this: [LINK].
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Re: air temperature sensor

Post by mightor »

Put it inside a coke can or something with some small vent holes. Don't expose it to the wind itself. This sensor responds quite quickly to changes in temperature.

I wrote a ROBOTC driver for it but you can easily use it in NXC or NXT-G with the use of those I2C blocks.

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Re: air temperature sensor

Post by jdc2106 »

One option you might want to explore is the Dexter Industries open thermal probe. It can be found here:

The sensor has an open thermistor and can read changes in atmospheric temp much more quickly than a protected sensor. It's also a little less expensive than half the price of the Lego version.
Last edited by jdc2106 on 21 Mar 2011, 21:17, edited 1 time in total.
John Cole

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Re: air temperature sensor

Post by muzzahukka »

Want to use a temperature sensor with your microcontroller project but soldering directly on the pins is impraticable? This small circuit board can help you. It comes with an MCP9801 temperature sensor already soldered. Just solder your wires to the easy to use solder pads.


* An MCP9801 I2C Temperature sensor is pre-soldered. Obtain the datasheet from Microchip's MCP9801 page
* 4 clearly identified pads for soldering wires.
* Small size: 25.4mm x 7.94mm (1 inch x 5/16 inch).
* The chip I2C address is hardwired to 0x4F.
* Compatible with the USBTenki project mcp9800.hex firmware.
* Has a .1uf bypass capacitor on the back side.

Temperature sensor chip specification:

* Operating temperature range: -55°C to +125°C.
* Typical accuracy: 0.5°C.
* ±1°C Accuracy from -10°C to +85°C.
* ±2°C Accuracy from +85°C to +125°C.
* User Selectable 9- to 12-Bit Resolution.
* Operating voltage range: +2.7V to +5.5V.
* Compatible with the very common LM75 temperature sensors. (9-Bit only)

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Lego temperature sensor

Post by marsflyer »

Here is the NXC code that I previously posted on NXtasy.

Code: Select all

// Read Lego's Digital Temperature sensor.
// It seems to be a Microchip MCP9803 (MCP9800 family)
// The address is 0x98.
// The temperature is in register 0x0 with
//  byte 0 = 2's compliment degrees
//  byte 1 = Decimal places (highest bits)
// The default config is 9-bits,0.5deg=0x0
//  12-bits,0.0625deg=0x60, 11-bits,0.125deg=0x40, 10-bits,0.25deg=0x20

// Include in the main program to avoid duplicate definitiobs.
//#include "I2C-lib.nxc"

int aPort[4];
byte iTempAddr; // = 0x98;

string TempRead(byte SensorPort) {
    int iAddr, iRes, i, iDeg, iDec;
    string s1, s2, sOut;
    iTempAddr = 0x98;

    if (aPort[SensorPort] == 0) {
       // Configure to 0.0625deg resolution
       I2C_Write(SensorPort, iTempAddr, 0x01, 0x60);
       aPort[SensorPort] = 1;
    iRes = I2C_Read(SensorPort, iTempAddr, 0x00, 2);
    iDeg = iRes/256;
    iDec = ((abs(iRes-(iDeg*256))/16)*10)/16;
    s1 = NumToStr(iDeg);
    s2 = NumToStr(iDec);
    sOut = StrCat(s1,".",s2);
    return sOut;
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