where can i get a lego turntable gear

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where can i get a lego turntable gear

Post by nxtman3141 »

i want 2 for a fair price. i looked on amazon but it had a 5.00 shipping fee. does anyone know a good place to get some.
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Re: where can i get a lego turntable gear

Post by jojoguy14 »

What type of turntable? The old, taller one? or the new, shorter one? Have you tried bricklink.com?

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Re: where can i get a lego turntable gear

Post by nxtman3141 »

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... x=75&ty=50

heres the link to a picture of one. i want to make a synchro drive for my four square robots.
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Re: where can i get a lego turntable gear

Post by mattallen37 »

They normally cost about $6 US each, plus shipping. To get two, it would probably cost you about $15-$20 US. Lego edu sells them in packs of 2 for $12 (plus shipping, which is around $7).

Bricklink might have them for cheaper.

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Re: where can i get a lego turntable gear

Post by nxtman3141 »

thanks i'll look for it and tell you if i find it!
A.K.A themindstormman3141 on nxtlog
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Re: where can i get a lego turntable gear

Post by nxtman3141 »

YES!!!! I found it thanks soooooo much. you rock!
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Re: where can i get a lego turntable gear

Post by doc222 »

These parts at Bricklink are cheeper now, back a few years ago not so. But since more kits have them more parts and so price dropped I have found them for 4$(4-5$ selling price) and shipping from most bricklinkers is fair price for USPS. Most my small orders of say 10-30$ is never more than 3 dollars to ship inside the USA.( note: here you must be 18 to buy or sell on bricklink)

Lego ED is a good place to find some bulk parts but. Cavet emptor, "buyer beware" , meaning it is up to you to be infomed on what you buy and pay for. Shipping is HIGH at Lego ED. So If I buy from them I buy more to make it up. say if you need 40z gears, lots of them. At briklink they are from 1$ + each, EACH! did i say each, yes, EACH. Thats a lot of money for 1 plastic gear. Now at Lego ed I can buy 25 for 10$. Even with out a calculator i can see a savings here. Say i need 100 40z gears is a no brainer, do i want to pay 100+$ and shipping from many Bricklinkers? or pay 40$ +7 for 100 gears....

But say I need linear rams? Lego ed has them and so does Bricklink? But who has the better deal, Cavet Emptor.

Doc, "hunting for deals like cave man looking for dinner"
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Re: where can i get a lego turntable gear

Post by themindstormman »

hi doc222 i changed accounts so now i'm this. its me from your blogspot. themindstormman3141. thanks for the response. could you send me some of the links. thanks. you rock.
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Re: where can i get a lego turntable gear

Post by doc222 »

its very easy to use Bricklink and in some ways is a must for any Lego/ Technic/ Mindstorms user to know and use, even if you are NOT buying a part from almost any kit made. If you make an account you can make lists of parts for projects and then see wht the going prices are all around the world. edit tis search by country, part count and other things. You can see what kits have in them before you buy it, check kits by parts many amny uses here.

Ill give you a link to just one page of whats in america by price(no shipping)http://www.bricklink.com/search.asp?pg= ... archSort=P since it will very where you are. Postage outside of the country you may live can effect the end price alot.
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