addressOfEx function: Runtime error!

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addressOfEx function: Runtime error!

Post by HaWe »

example for addressOfEx function:
Runtime error! (program stops, showing "File error!")


Code: Select all

const byte NewFont[] =
  0x04,0x00, // Graphics Format
  0x02,0x40, // Graphics DataSize
  0x10,      // Graphics Count X
  0x06,      // Graphics Count Y
  0x06,      // Graphics Width
  0x08,      // Graphics Height

task main()
  unsigned long ptr, pOldFont;
  ptr = addressOfEx(NewFont, false);
  TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, FormatNum("%x", ptr));
  pOldFont = DisplayFont();
  TextOut(0, LCD_LINE2, "Testing 1, 2, 3");
  TextOut(0, LCD_LINE4, "Testing 1, 2, 3");
BTW: the keyword "addressOfEx " is not highlithed (blue) opposite to NumOut etc.
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Re: addressOfEx function: Runtime error!

Post by afanofosc »

If it compiles then the name is known to the compiler as an API function. If it is not highlighted it is probably a problem with either the registry settings for the NXC API commands not matching the contents of the nxc_api.txt file (in which case click the Default button when the API tab is active) or you have an old copy of the nxc_api.txt file in your Default folder. The installer (bricxcc "latest version" link) should deliver the right files to the right places but it does not reset the registry for you.

If you get a File Error message without a numeric code (which I hope you would have mentioned if there was one) then you are running with either the standard NXT firmware or a version of the enhanced NBC/NXC firmware that is too old. Here's a new one.
(171.16 KiB) Downloaded 342 times
I'll update the zip online later tonight. With the numeric code it would be easier to say for certain what is going wrong. Probably it is complaining about an unknown opcode which would only happen if you didn't have the "automatic" option enabled and you tried to run enhanced firmware code on a standard firmware or enhanced 1.28 firmware code on an enhanced 1.07 firmware (or early version of 1.28).

John Hansen
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Re: addressOfEx function: Runtime error!

Post by HaWe »

I had uninstalled my previous Brickcc (from last month) and downloaded and installed new yesterday (2010-10-06 19:00 European Summer Meant Time / Berlin).
enhanced fw was checked,
automatic fw was checked,
but I didn't download a new firmware cause it still was 1.28 - as I alread had 1.28 there was no sence to download the firmware again to the NXT.

It would be really easier if you called/named your releases in a different way every time if there was a new release (1.28.20101006 or whatever, the same it's with the Bricxcc versions!)
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Re: addressOfEx function: Runtime error!

Post by afanofosc »

It would be easier, yes, but you can also check the modified timestamp which I always do to see if the 1.28 firmware is newer than the old 1.28 firmware. Are you getting numeric codes when a File Error occurs or not? If not, then you have an old copy of the 1.28 firmware and should upgrade. You need not only enhanced and automatic but also NXT 2.0 Compatible checked (which you did not mention but I assume is actually checked). I have not released a new version of since back in June so the timestamp you mention means nothing to me.

In any case, are you still getting a file error message when you run the sample program or not? If you are then please install the firmware from the zip I posted yesterday and try again.

John Hansen
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Re: addressOfEx function: Runtime error!

Post by HaWe »

no, I don't get codes, and yes, I have automatic fw, and 2.0 comp, and enhanced are all checked.
I will download the latest editiion tonight and try again.
(Looking at the time stamps is a little hard to see at the first sight)

Thx for your help :)
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Re: addressOfEx function: Runtime error!

Post by HaWe »

now it works.
it shows "Testing 1 2 3", both look completely identical.
Is this correct?

If I changed the code like following (different for width and heighth) it gets weird output at line 2 (somewhat like hieroglyphes).
Is this correct, too?

Code: Select all

const byte NewFont[] =
  0x04,0x00, // Graphics Format
  0x02,0x40, // Graphics DataSize
  0x10,      // Graphics Count X
  0x06,      // Graphics Count Y
  0x05,      // Graphics Width
  0x07,      // Graphics Height

task main()
  unsigned long ptr, pOldFont;
  ptr = addressOfEx(NewFont, false);
  TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, FormatNum("%x", ptr));
  pOldFont = DisplayFont();
  TextOut(0, LCD_LINE2, "Testing 1, 2, 3");
  TextOut(0, LCD_LINE4, "Testing 1, 2, 3");
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Re: addressOfEx function: Runtime error!

Post by afanofosc »

The font in that example happens to be identical to the font defined within the firmware so the two lines should look identical. If you fiddle with the sizes then character data will be read from places in the font data that are not the originally designed start of a character so you will get very strange characters drawn on the screen. The thing to do is define a new font (perhaps I will write a tool to help) which looks different.

John Hansen
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Re: addressOfEx function: Runtime error!

Post by HaWe »

that would be real fine and would make much sence!
(where is the benefit to write code that sinks a ship just to display the same font you already got before ?)^^
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