bluetooth connection block?

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bluetooth connection block?

Post by gamemaker99 »

I might be wrong, but isn't there a bluetooth connection block in NXT-G 2.0?
if so, is there a way to get this block in NXT-G 1.1?
My robot design has the screens on the bottom so it is hard to connect the 2 nxts with bluetooth
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Re: bluetooth connection block?

Post by afanofosc »

The block in the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 software that lets you make bluetooth connections would not be able to be compiled by the NXT-G compiler which is built into the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 1.1 or 1.0 software. It uses new system call functions that were added to the 1.2x firmware and the older compiler does not know anything about that new system call or the structure required to pass data in and out of that system call.

John Hansen
Multi-platform LEGO MINDSTORMS programming
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