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Re: NXText NXC?

Post by ejvaughan »

studbrickmaster wrote: NXText NXC was a text writing program, not a messaging program.
Actually, NXText is not a text editor. It cannot create or edit text files. Instead, it is a text file viewer and manager. Hopefully this clears up any confusion. ;) But anyway, the source code for NXText is attached below. You are free to use as much or as little of the code as you want, but I would appreciate some form of attribution. Also, I tried compiling NXText with the latest version of BricxCC (, and it did not complete without some errors. The .rxe is included, however, so you should still be able to download that to your NXT and run it. But if anybody would like to go through and figure out what's triggering the compiler errors, that would be awesome. I am not yet caught-up on what's changed in NXC since I fell off the planet, so that's why I'm reluctant to debug the program myself.
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Re: NXText NXC?

Post by bungeshea »

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Re: NXText NXC?

Post by muntoo »

NULL is now a keyword, so you can't use it as a variable. Furthermore, you must use Flatten(CONSTANT) whenever comparing a constant to a character literal. :)

I've attached a fixed version that will hopefully work.
NXText NXC v3.02_Fixed.zip
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Re: NXText NXC?

Post by spillerrec »

Is there a changelog somewhere? I haven't been updated recently either so I would like to know what have changed.

I made a file viewer a while ago which was intended to work as an example for the NXC file I/O tutorial I still haven't made... There is also an text viewer in it which uses my word-wrapping library. I'm planning to add a proper RIC file viewer (so it is easier to check the correctness of RICcreator), so if any are interested I can release it by then.

EDIT: I realize that I'm using BCC but it is half a year old, there must surely be a newer test release? Are they still at http://bricxcc.sourceforge.net/test_releases/, or do you grab them somewhere else now?
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Re: NXText NXC?

Post by mattallen37 »

spillerrec wrote:...EDIT: I realize that I'm using BCC but it is half a year old, there must surely be a newer test release? Are they still at http://bricxcc.sourceforge.net/test_releases/, or do you grab them somewhere else now?
Yes, the latest test releases are there. I am using, and I believe it is the latest test version.

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