Vote what NXT game you've played is the best!
nxtboy III
Best NXT Game
Best NXT Game
Last edited by nxtboyiii on 24 Jun 2011, 21:28, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks, and have a nice day,
nxtboy III
nxtboy III
Re: Best NXT Game
Mirco Mario was by the same guy who wrote the NXCGL (whatever it's called) library - Arno van der Vegt. (Can't believe I spelled his name right in the first go. )
Pac-man was by NXTBoy.
Pac-man was by NXTBoy.
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Re: Best NXT Game
Thanks. Also tell why you liked it.
Thanks, and have a nice day,
nxtboy III
nxtboy III
Re: Best NXT Game
Maybe you could post download links for each game?
PS: Every time you edit the poll, it resets itself.
PS: Every time you edit the poll, it resets itself.
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