hitechnic Gyro sensor (NGY1044) noise

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Re: hitechnic Gyro sensor (NGY1044) noise

Post by timpattinson »

Code: Select all

float FindOffset()
     float tot = 0;
    repeat (1000)
        tot += SensorHTGyro(S1, 0); //tot var is 1000 gyro readings
    return tot / 1000;   // returns avg
Last edited by timpattinson on 07 Jul 2011, 10:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: hitechnic Gyro sensor (NGY1044) noise

Post by HaWe »

Thank you, I tried this just immediately, but GyroHeading is still increasing constantly although all stands still (about up to 5° per minute), just similarily as before :(
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Re: hitechnic Gyro sensor (NGY1044) noise

Post by mightor »

Did you consider using a float instead of an int?

- Xander
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Re: hitechnic Gyro sensor (NGY1044) noise

Post by HaWe »

surely, but SensorHTGyro needs an integer for GyroOffset to get passed to, I guess that's why.
To my observation the Offset should be somewhere between 4.0..5.0
GyroValue=SensorHTGyro(port, 5) is too high => increasing integral
GyroValue=SensorHTGyro(port, 4) is too low => decreasing integral

Or do I miss anything?
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Re: hitechnic Gyro sensor (NGY1044) noise

Post by mightor »

Make your own function that grabs the analogue value from the gyro and subtract the float average. If you are integrating this may make all the difference between a 1 and 5 degree/minute drift.

- Xander
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Re: hitechnic Gyro sensor (NGY1044) noise

Post by linusa »

The gyro offsets are all different for each production unit (their offsets probably follow some statistical distribution). We had problems with gyro drift as well, sometimes it stabilizes after a minute, sometimes it doesn't. I think environmental temperature was one of the influences.

The best approach is to take a lot of samples, but not too rapidly. I.e. maybe 200 samples from 20 seconds, during which the sensor must be at full rest. Calc mean and standard deviation and use the mean as offset. Repeat this process after one minute and see if mean and standard dev. changed. The sensor might stabilize after some minutes of use...
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Re: hitechnic Gyro sensor (NGY1044) noise

Post by HaWe »

Xander, my friend, you nailed it! ^^
Now I finally understood what's all about the offset that has to be passed to SensorHTGyro reading (I always was curious about that).
Now it's fixed! :big_thumb:

(edit: improved version, bug fixed)

Code: Select all

// IO functions, sensors

#define Menc(a) MotorRotationCount(a)

#define Beep(f,d) PlayTone(f,d)

#define printf1( _x, _y, _format1, _value1) { \
  string sval1 = FormatNum(_format1, _value1); \
  TextOut(_x, _y, sval1); \

const char LCDline[]={56,48,40,32,24,16,8,0};

const string clrln="                 ";

inline bool btnhit(){
   return ( ButtonPressed(BTN1, false) || ButtonPressed(BTN2, false)
         || ButtonPressed(BTN3, false) || ButtonPressed(BTN4, false));

void PressToContinue(char Button) {
   string msg;
   if (Button==BTNCENTER)   msg="press BtnCntr...";
   if (Button==BTNEXIT)     msg="press BtnExit...";
   if (Button==BTNRIGHT)    msg="press BtnRight...";
   if (Button==BTNLEFT)     msg="press BtnLeft...";

   printf1(0,LCDline[7],"%s", msg);
   while (!ButtonPressed(Button, false)); while (btnhit());

// math

#define min(a,b) (a<b?a:b)

#define max(a,b) (a>b?a:b)

inline long round(float f)
  if (f>=0) return (f + 0.5);
  else  return (f - 0.5);

inline float ArrayMedianF(float src[], int len)
  float ftemp[];

  ArraySort(ftemp, src, NA, NA)
  return ftemp[(len-1)/2];

inline void ArrayPushF(float &src[], float _new, int len)
  for (int i=len; i>0; --i) {src[i]=src[i-1];} // shift up

// sensors

#define GYRO    S2
#define COMPASS S3

long  GyroHeading,
      CompHeading, CompOffset,
      MencHeading ;
float GyroOffset=0.0,  GyroValue, GyroIntegral;

// sensor calibration

void FindGyroOffset()
    float tot = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<500; ++i)
       tot += SensorHTGyro(GYRO, 0); // tot var is 500 gyro readings
       if (!(i%100)) Beep(1760,10);
       Wait(5);                     // Wait 5 ms (analog sensor)
    GyroOffset= (tot/500);           //  avg


task GetRotation(){

  long  GyroCalib=10500, temp;
  float gyrodata[5];

  FindGyroOffset();           // approximation of Gyro Offset


  while(1) {
     ArrayPushF(gyrodata, GyroValue, 5);
     GyroValue= (ArrayMean(gyrodata, 0, 5));



     if (ButtonPressed(BTNLEFT, false)) {   // press  BTNLEFT:
        GyroIntegral=0;                     // reset GyroIntegral
        while (btnhit()); Beep(1000,10);
                                            // now turn robot 360°
     }                                      // then press BTNRIGHT:
     if (ButtonPressed(BTNRIGHT, false)) {  // reset GyroCalib after 360° turn
        while (btnhit());  Beep(1000,10);

     while (GyroHdg>=360) GyroHdg-=360;
     while (GyroHdg<  0)  GyroHdg+=360;

task DisplayValues() {
  while (1) {
     printf1(0, 56, "mot_B%6d", Menc(OUT_B));
     printf1(0, 48, "mot_C%6d", Menc(OUT_C));

     printf1(0, 40, "GValu%6.1f", GyroValue);
     printf1(0, 32, "GIntg%6.1f", GyroIntegral);
     printf1(0, 24, "GOffs%6.1f", GyroOffset);

     printf1(0, 16, "MotoH%6d", MencHeading);
     printf1(0,  8, "CompH%6d", CompHeading);
     printf1(0,  0, "GyroH%6d", GyroHeading);

task main(){


  start DisplayValues;
  start GetRotation;


Last edited by HaWe on 08 Jul 2011, 14:59, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: hitechnic Gyro sensor (NGY1044) noise

Post by mightor »

Glad I was able to help :)

- Xander
| My Blog: I'd Rather Be Building Robots (http://botbench.com)
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| Some people, when confronted with a problem, think, "I know, I'll use threads,"
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Re: hitechnic Gyro sensor (NGY1044) noise

Post by afanofosc »

BTW, the Gyro sensor is an analog device - so your comment about waiting 20 ms in FindGyroOffset doesn't make sense.

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Re: hitechnic Gyro sensor (NGY1044) noise

Post by mattallen37 »

You should also note, that some "drift" is actually very correct. The earth rotates 360*/24 hours (once a day). That means that you should see a "drift" of 1 degree every 4 minutes. However, if the axis of the gyro is perfectly parallel to the axis of the earth, you should see no "drift".

In the case of the HT Gyro, and most other hobby gyros, this would be of almost no consequence. Almost all micro gyros (IC gyros) are based on relative position (rate of rotation), and not absolute position. Just about any filter should discard this small effect as an error.

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