BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

Discussion specific to NXT-G, NXC, NBC, RobotC, Lejos, and more.
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BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

Post by afanofosc »

I have uploaded a new test release zip with updated help files and pdf documentation. I am updating the online html pages at the present time. There are additional optimizations performed at level 3 and 4. Please test at level 3 for sure (the new optimizations) and at level 4 (optimizations that were already in the compiler but formerly at level 3) if you are daring. I have also optimized the optimizations so the compiler should feel a bit faster than it used to when you are using optimization levels > 1.

I have run a number of regression tests but it is not impossible that I have overlooked something. Please let me know if you run into any regressions. I hope to have this all rolled up into an official release later this week. If I get some help testing at optimization level 3 I may move those into level 2 if there do not appear to be any regressions/defects.

Here are the release notes for the current NBC and BricxCC test releases:

- NBC 1.2.1.r5
- Changed ROPS line highlighting to only be on while stepping through the code line by line.
- Watch window changes and joystick tool enhancements
- Fixed incorrect gettick help content
- Help updates for JoystickMessageType, JoystickMessageRead, SysRandomEx, rand, and srand API functions.
- Fixed text clipping defect in enhanced NBC/NXC firmware 1.31
- Added a new random number generator system call to enhanced NBC/NXC firmware 1.31
- ARROP enhanced firmware opcode fixes for floating point arrays
- Changed ARROP to base float/signed/unsigned calculations on output type rather than input type
- RS485 firmware changes to report more information from CommHSCheckStatus system call

Version 1.2.1.r5 (2011-07-19)
- Cross platform updates for Linux (FPC/Lazarus)
- Added support for Dexter Industries DiGPS sensor
- Fixed typo defect in glPyramid API function
- Fixed defect with the inline keyword being used with a function prototype.
- Fixed defect with uninitialized strings not being valid strings (i.e., they are
not null terminated) which crashes string opcodes in the firmware.
- Changed the way that I2CBytes works (readlsbytes* in nxtdefs.h) so that there
is not a minimum of 15 ms overhead.
- Fixed infinite loop bug in structure declaration when unexpected characters are present.
- Fixed definition for several Remote* API functions which sent direct/system commands
to other NXT devices via Bluetooth or RS-485
- Fixes for rand() and RAND_MAX and _Random in NXTDefs.h
- Test program additions and updates
- Changes to PF Combo and Raw API functions.
- Added JoystickMessageType structure and JoystickMessageRead API function.
- Added support for new RandomEx system call with rand() and srand()
- Changed code in doAsm to set the statement type if the block contains
__GENRETVAL__ so that the RegisterName function returns the right register name.
- Changed __SeedRandomEx to reset the ReSeed flag back to FALSE so that the
__RandomEx function does not have to set it before calling the RandomEx system call function.
- Added support for static variables.
- Changed RS485CheckStatus, RS485DataAvailable, and RS485SendingData API functions to return
byte values (number of bytes being sent or available to read) rather than booleans.
- Updates to example programs for RS485 firmware fixes and API changes as well as the new
rand() and srand() API functions.
- Fixed bug with assigning a negative constant to an unsigned long variable.
- Fixed bug where static variables in inline functions were not being statically initialized.
- Added BranchComp, BranchTest, ArrayIndex, and ArrayReplace macros to NXCDefs.h
- Modified code generated for the repeat loop so that it has less overhead
- Changes to fix problems with using the wrong stack variables for unsigned types
- Added support for nested compif/compelse/compend compiler directives.
- Changes to speed up code optimizations.
- Additional code optimizations for array helper temporaries and other opcodes.
Multi-platform LEGO MINDSTORMS programming
Posts: 2500
Joined: 04 Nov 2014, 19:00

Re: BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

Post by HaWe »

new speed test.

pure C- code: much faster,
asm-code: mostly file error -1 at optimization levels >1 ... 9187#p9187
Posts: 2500
Joined: 04 Nov 2014, 19:00

Re: BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

Post by HaWe »

with this code:
old + new versions file error -1 from opt. lev. >= 3

Code: Select all

//                           TamTam.c
//                   Version "Dijkstra"
//              virtuelle Wegsuche auf dem Display
//		  getestet mit NXC firmware 1.28 enhanced
//  der A* (A-Stern, a-star) - Algorithmus fuer den NXT
//  zur Wegsuche und Navigation an Hindernissen vorbei
//  hier in der Variante nach Dijkstra
//  (keine geschaetzten heuristischen Kosten H, also H=0 => F=G!
//  1.0.8  eues Array Handling (=> get/free mem)
//  1.0.4 am Schluss werden Routenanweisungen erstellt
//  1.0.1 erkennt, wenn  kein Weg zum Ziel existiert
//  0.8.9 Suchrichtung optimiert: direkte Wege werden sehr schnell gefunden
//  0.3.8 Kurse optimiert: Kurs-Aenderungen verursachen hoehere Kosten
//  0.2.9 schneiden von Hindernis-Kanten wird vermieden
// (c) H. W. 2008

#define ArrayInit2D(bar, tmp, init_val, dimx, dimy) { \
  ArrayInit(tmp, init_val, dimy);  \
  ArrayInit(bar, tmp, dimx);  \

int  iTemp[];
char cTemp[];

char   xStart, yStart, xDest, yDest;

const int MadlyEnormous=SHRT_MAX;
const char occ=1;

const char MapSize=46;             // 45x45 fields
char  SuperSize=MapSize+1;
const char Radius=MapSize/2;

char Map  [][];  // besetzt=1 / frei=0;
char xPrev[][];  // Abszisse von Vorgaenger (x)
char yPrev[][];  // Ordinate von Vorgaenger (y)
char dPrev[][];  // Richtung  zu Vorgaenger (d= 0-7)
int  F[][];      // gesamte Wege-Kosten F
char List[][];   // gehoert zu Liste:  undef=0 offen=1 geschlossen=2


char GetMap(char x, char y)                    // Zustand des Feldes: 0=frei, 1= Hindernis
{   return Map[x+Radius][y+Radius];}

void SetMap(char x, char y, char val)
{   Map[x+Radius][y+Radius]=val;}

char GetxPrev(char x, char y)                 // gespeicherter Vorgaenger: x-Koord.
{   return xPrev[x+Radius][y+Radius];}

void SetxPrev(char x, char y, char xPtr)
{   xPrev[x+Radius][y+Radius]=xPtr;}

char GetyPrev(char x, char y)                 // gespeicherter Vorgaenger: y-Koord.
{   return yPrev[x+Radius][y+Radius];}

void SetyPrev(char x, char y, char yPtr)
{   yPrev[x+Radius][y+Radius]=yPtr;}

char GetdPrev(char x, char y)                 // gespeicherter Vorgaenger: Richtung
{   return dPrev[x+Radius][y+Radius];}

void SetdPrev(char x, char y, char d)
{   dPrev[x+Radius][y+Radius]=d;}

int  GetF(int x, int y)                     //  Wege-Kosten F
{   return F[x+Radius][y+Radius];}

void SetF(int x, int y, int val)
{   F[x+Radius][y+Radius]=val;}

char GetList(char x, char y)                      // Listen-Zugehoerigkeit (0, 1, 2)
{   return List[x+Radius][y+Radius];}

void SetList(char x, char y, char val)
{   List[x+Radius][y+Radius]=val;}


void SetMapPixel(char x, char y)   // Transformation der Koordinatensysteme:
                                  // Nullpunkt= Mitte des Feldes!
  PointOut(Radius+1+x, Radius+1+y, DRAW_OPT_NORMAL);


void ClearPixel (char x, char y)
   PointOut(Radius+1+x, Radius+1+y, DRAW_OPT_CLEAR );


void ClearMapPixel(char x, char y) // Karten-Pixel loeschen
  int xPix, yPix;

  ClearPixel(xPix, yPix);


void SetMapAndPixel(char x, char y, char val )
  SetMap(x, y, val);
  SetMapPixel(x, y);


int GetNx(char x, char pos)  // 3 2 1   benachbarte x-Koordinaten
{                            // 4   0
   int nx;                   // 5 6 7

   nx=MadlyEnormous;  // wenn ungueltiger Nachbar
   if (((pos==1)||(pos==0)||(pos==7))&& (x<Radius-1))
     {nx=x+1; }
   if ((pos==2)||(pos==6))
     { nx=x;  }
   if (((pos==3)||(pos==4)||(pos==5))&&(x>(-Radius)))
     {nx=x-1; }

   return nx;


int GetNy(char y, char pos)  // 3 2 1   benachbarte y-Koordinaten
{                            // 4   0
   int ny;                   // 5 6 7

   ny=MadlyEnormous;  // wenn ungueltiger Nachbar
   if (((pos==1)||(pos==2)||(pos==3))&& (y<Radius-1))
     { ny=y+1; }
   if ((pos==4)||(pos==0))
     { ny=y;  }
   if (((pos==5)||(pos==6)||(pos==7))&&(y>(-Radius)))
     { ny=y-1; }

   return ny;


bool CloseToTheEdge(char x, char y, char dir)      // 3 2 1   keine Hindernis-Kanten schneiden
{                                                  // 4   0
   bool edge;                                      // 5 6 7
   short xm,xp,ym,yp;

   edge=false;  // nur bei diagonalem Schritt beruecksichtigen!)

     xm=(xm> -Radius  ? x-1 : x);
     xp=(xp< Radius-1 ? x+1 : x);
     ym=(ym> -Radius  ? y-1 : y);
     yp=(yp< Radius-1 ? y+1 : y);

     if (dir==1) {edge=((GetMap(xp,y)==occ)||(GetMap(x,yp)==occ));} // 0  2
     if (dir==3) {edge=((GetMap(x,yp)==occ)||(GetMap(xm,y)==occ));} // 2  4
     if (dir==5) {edge=((GetMap(xm,y)==occ)||(GetMap(x,ym)==occ));} // 4  6
     if (dir==7) {edge=((GetMap(x,ym)==occ)||(GetMap(xp,y)==occ));} // 6  0

   return edge;


void ExpandNode(char xa, char ya)  // checkt Nachbarfelder von (xa, ya)
  short F, d, k, v, w, z;

  for (d=0;d<=7;d++)
       v=GetNx(xa,d); //  Nachbarn durchgehen:  3 2 1
       w=GetNy(ya,d); //                        4   0
                      //                        5 6 7
       if ((d==0) ||(d==2) ||(d==4) ||(d==6))    // ((p%2)==0 arbeitet fehlerhaft!)
       {k=10; }                                  // Kosten gerader Schritt: 10
         k=14;                                   // Kosten diagonaler Schritt: 15
         if(CloseToTheEdge(xa,ya,d)) continue;   // diagonal ist bei Hinderniskante verboten

       if ((v<MadlyEnormous)&&(w<MadlyEnormous)) // gueltiger Nachbar ?!
         z=GetMap(v,w);                          // Hindernis vorhanden?
         if ( (z==0)&&(!(GetList(v,w)==2)))      // frei und nicht in geschlossener Liste
           F=GetF(xa,ya)+k;                      // F: Kosten zu (v,w) ueber aktuelles Quadrat (xa,ya)

           if (!(GetList(v,w)==1))          // wenn NICHT in offener Liste
              SetList (v,w,1);              // dann in die offene uebernehmen
              SetxPrev(v,w, xa);            // Vorgaenger: ^x-aktuell
              SetyPrev(v,w, ya);            // Vorgaenger: ^y-aktuell
              SetdPrev(v,w,  d);            // Richtung zum Vorgaenger (0-7)
              if(d==GetdPrev(xa,ya)) F-=2;  // Kosten geringer, wenn keine Kursaenderung
              SetF(v,w,F);                  // Kosten gesamt
           } // if  (Nicht offen)
           if (GetList(v,w)==1)             // wenn aber bereits in offener Liste
               if (F<=GetF(v,w))              // Wegekosten G dorthin vergleichen:
                                             // neuer Weg dahin: geringere Kosten als alte Wegekosten ?
               {                             // dann ueberschreiben + neuen Weg im Quadrat einspeichern
                 SetxPrev(v,w, xa);          // Vorgaenger: ^x-aktuell
                SetyPrev(v,w, ya);          // Vorgaenger: ^y-aktuell
                SetdPrev(v,w,  d);          // Richtung zum Vorgaenger (0-7)
                if(d==GetdPrev(xa,ya)) F-=2;// Kosten geringer, wenn keine Kursaenderung
                SetF(v,w,F);                // Kosten gesamt
               }// if (neuer Weg besser)
           } // else if (schon offen)

         }//  if (nicht besetzt, nicht geschlossen)
       } // if (gueltiger Nachbar)

  }// for



void A_Stern (char xStart, char yStart, char xDest, char yDest)
  int i, j, c=0;
  char xAkt, yAkt, xOld, yOld, xd, yd, xDa, yDa;
  int  FMin=MadlyEnormous;

  xAkt=xDest;       // wir starten rueckwaerts und beginnen die Suche beim Ziel !
  yAkt=yDest;       // Das Quadrat, von dem aus gesucht wird, heisst "aktuelles Quadrat"

  SetList(xAkt, yAkt, 1);                   // akt. Quadrat in Offene Liste (=1)
  SetF (xAkt,yAkt,0);                       // Kosten F=G+H; G=0, H=0;
  SetList(xAkt, yAkt, 2);                   // aktuelles Quadrat in geschlossene Liste uebernehmen

  TextOut( 0,48, "paths=          ");    // Anzeige der Zahl der Zyklen/Wege
  NumOut (50,48, c);
  int istart,  isign, jstart, jsign;
  if (xDest>=xStart)
          {istart=-Radius;   isign= 1;}
  else  {istart=Radius-1;  isign=-1;}

  if (yDest>=yStart)
          {jstart=-Radius;   jsign= 1;}
  else  {jstart=Radius-1;  jsign=-1;}
  // solange das andere Ende (der Start) nicht gefunden wurde:

  while (GetList(xStart,yStart)!=2)

    // suche in offener Liste (=1)das Feld mit kleinstem F

    for (i=istart; isign*i<Radius;i+=isign)
        for (j=jstart; jsign*j<Radius;j+=jsign)
          if ((GetList(i,j)==1)&&(GetF(i,j)<FMin) )
             xAkt=i;    // wenn gefunden: nimm es als aktuelles Quadrat
             if ((xDa<xd)||(yDa<yd))
                SetList(xAkt, yAkt, 2);     // aktuelles Quadrat in geschlossene Liste
                ExpandNode(xAkt, yAkt);     // Nachbarfelder untersuchen
          } // if
        } // for j
        SetList(xAkt, yAkt, 2);     // aktuelles Quadrat in geschlossene Liste
        ExpandNode(xAkt, yAkt);     // Nachbarfelder untersuchen
    } // for i

    TextOut(0,56, "Akt(X,Y)");

    TextOut( 0,48, "paths=          ");    // Anzeige der Zahl der Zyklen/Wege
    NumOut (50,48, c);
        TextOut(0,48, "No Way!");      // Ziel ist unerreichbar!
        PlayTone(220,100); Wait(250);  //PlaySound(soundBeepBeep);
        PlayTone(220,100); Wait(250);

  } // while

  TextOut(50,10, "fertig", 0);     // Anzeige, wenn fertig



void DrawMap()  //  Hindernisse und Start/Ziel zeichnen
   char x, y;

   RectOut( 1, 1, MapSize+1, MapSize+1);

   x=8;                       // Hindernis setzen:
   for (y=-3;y<=5;y++)        // Hier kann man sich austoben und beliebige
   {                          // Hindernis-Punkte definieren:
   for (x=-8;x<=7;x++)        // nochmal weitere
   {                         // Hindernis-Punkte definieren:
   for (y=9;y>-10; y--)

   for (x=0;x<=5;x++)         // nochmal weitere
   {                         // Hindernis-Punkte definieren:

   for (x=10;x<=12;x++)        // nochmal weitere
   {                          // Hindernis-Punkte definieren:

   for (x=8;x<=14;x++)         // nochmal weitere
   {                          // Hindernis-Punkte definieren:


  SetMapPixel(xStart,yStart);      // Start als Punkt malen
  CircleOut(xDest+Radius+1, yDest+Radius+1, 1);  // Ziel dick markieren



void WalkThisWay()   // virtuelle Fahrt der berechneten Route
  char x, y, xn, yn;
  int  dir, olddir, turn;


  TextOut( 0,56,"Turn=               "); NumOut(50,56,turn);
  TextOut( 0,48,"Hding=              "); NumOut(50,48,dir);
  TextOut(60,24,"Pos XY        ");
  TextOut(60,18,"              ");
  NumOut (60,16,x); NumOut(80,16,y);

  while (! ((x==xDest)&&(y==yDest)))
    TextOut(60,24,"Pos XY        ");
    TextOut(60,18,"              ");
    NumOut (60,16,x); NumOut(80,16,y);
    SetMapPixel(x, y);

    if (dir>=360) dir-=360;

    if (turn<-180) turn=turn+360;
    if (turn>180) turn=360-turn;

    TextOut(0,56,"Turn=              ");  NumOut(50,56,turn);

    TextOut( 0,48,"Hding=              "); NumOut(50,48,dir);



  SetMapPixel(x, y);
  TextOut(60,24,"Pos XY        ");
  TextOut(60,18,"              ");
  NumOut (60,16,x); NumOut(80,16,y);



void initVar()

  ArrayInit2D(F, iTemp, MadlyEnormous, MapSize, MapSize);
  ArrayInit(iTemp,0,0);  // free mem
  ArrayInit2D(Map,   cTemp, 0, SuperSize, SuperSize);
  ArrayInit2D(xPrev, cTemp, 0, SuperSize, SuperSize);
  ArrayInit2D(yPrev, cTemp, 0, SuperSize, SuperSize);
  ArrayInit2D(dPrev, cTemp, 0, SuperSize, SuperSize);
  ArrayInit2D(List , cTemp, 0, MapSize,   MapSize);


  // try out different Start/Destination combinations

  xStart=-15; yStart= 2;       // Startpunkt definieren
  xDest  =13; yDest = 4;        // Zielpunkt definieren


long time0, runtime;

task main()


  A_Stern(xStart,yStart,xDest, yDest);

  TextOut(0,56, "runtime");
  NumOut(0,48, runtime);

  while (!ButtonPressed(BTNCENTER, false));


new: compared to old version 20110702
//fw 20110702 Opt Lev 0: file error -1
//fw 20110702 Opt Lev 1: 221471
//fw 20110702 Opt Lev 2: 154688
//fw 20110702 Opt Lev 3: 154702
//fw 20110702 Opt Lev 4: 155658

//fw 20110719 Opt Lev 1: 216,025
//fw 20110719 Opt Lev 2: 151,912
//fw 20110719 Opt Lev 3: file error -1
//fw 20110719 Opt Lev 4: file error -1
Last edited by HaWe on 21 Jul 2011, 08:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Location: Nashville, TN

Re: BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

Post by afanofosc »

The problem in the matrix test program appears to be a low level compiler bug. If you add

TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "please work");

to the code anywhere in task main then it runs fine with the latest compiler at opt level 3. The only difference between the generated code was an additional byte array variable in the dataspace and the 5 lines or so of code emitted by TextOut at the end of task main where I inserted that line.

The tamtam code helped me remove what was a very unsafe optimization from the stuff I had added at level 3. I will upload a new test release later today.

John Hansen
Multi-platform LEGO MINDSTORMS programming
Posts: 2500
Joined: 04 Nov 2014, 19:00

Re: BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

Post by HaWe »

JFYI and for checking also opt level 2 settings in the new release,
old release 20110702 is fine,

with new release 20110720 ,
only level 1 is fine,
but already at opt level 2 after finishing about 3/4 of total run : file error -1

Code: Select all

//                           TamTam.c
//                   Version 1.0.9 "Dijkstra"
//              virtuelle Wegsuche auf dem Display
//          getestet mit Bricxcc (enhanced fw)
//  der A* (A-Stern, a-star) - Algorithmus fuer den NXT
//  zur Wegsuche und Navigation an Hindernissen vorbei
//  hier in der Variante nach Dijkstra
//  (keine geschaetzten heuristischen Kosten H, also H=0 => F=G!
//  1.0.8 neues Array Handling (=> get/free mem)
//  1.0.4 am Schluss werden Routenanweisungen erstellt
//  1.0.1 erkennt, wenn  kein Weg zum Ziel existiert
//  0.8.9 Suchrichtung optimiert: direkte Wege werden sehr schnell gefunden
//  0.3.8 Kurse optimiert: Kurs-Aenderungen verursachen hoehere Kosten
//  0.2.9 schneiden von Hindernis-Kanten wird vermieden
// (c) H. W.

#define printf1( _x, _y, _format1, _value1) { \
  string sval1 = FormatNum(_format1, _value1); \
  TextOut(_x, _y, sval1); \

#define ArrayInit2D(bar, tmp, init_val, dimx, dimy) { \
  ArrayInit(tmp, init_val, dimy);  \
  ArrayInit(bar, tmp, dimx);  \

int  iTemp[];
char cTemp[];

char   xStart, yStart, xDest, yDest;

const int MadlyEnormous=SHRT_MAX;
const char occ=1;

const char MapSize=44;            // m*m fields

const char  HypSize= (MapSize+1);
const char  Radius=  (MapSize/2);
const char  rRadius= MapSize-Radius;

char Map  [][];  // besetzt / frei=0;
char xPrev[][];  // Abszisse von Vorgaenger (x)
char yPrev[][];  // Ordinate von Vorgaenger (y)
char dPrev[][];  // Richtung  zu Vorgaenger (d= 0-7)
int  F[][];      // gesamte Wege-Kosten F
char List[][];   // zu Liste: undef=0  offen=1  geschlossen=2


char GetMap(char x, char y)                    // Zustand des Feldes: 0=frei, 1= Hindernis
{   return Map[x+Radius][y+Radius];}

void SetMap(char x, char y, char val)
{   Map[x+Radius][y+Radius]=val;}

char GetxPrev(char x, char y)                 // gespeicherter Vorgaenger: x-Koord.
{   return xPrev[x+Radius][y+Radius];}

void SetxPrev(char x, char y, char xPtr)
{   xPrev[x+Radius][y+Radius]=xPtr;}

char GetyPrev(char x, char y)                 // gespeicherter Vorgaenger: y-Koord.
{   return yPrev[x+Radius][y+Radius];}

void SetyPrev(char x, char y, char yPtr)
{   yPrev[x+Radius][y+Radius]=yPtr;}

char GetdPrev(char x, char y)                 // gespeicherter Vorgaenger: Richtung
{   return dPrev[x+Radius][y+Radius];}

void SetdPrev(char x, char y, char d)
{   dPrev[x+Radius][y+Radius]=d;}

int  GetF(int x, int y)                     //  Wege-Kosten F
{   return F[x+Radius][y+Radius];}

void SetF(int x, int y, int val)
{   F[x+Radius][y+Radius]=val;}

char GetList(char x, char y)                      // Listen-Zugehoerigkeit (0, 1, 2)
{   return List[x+Radius][y+Radius];}

void SetList(char x, char y, char val)
{   List[x+Radius][y+Radius]=val;}


void SetMapPixel(char x, char y)   // Transformation der Koordinatensysteme:
                                  // Nullpunkt= Mitte des Feldes!
  PointOut(Radius+x+1, Radius+y+1, DRAW_OPT_NORMAL);


void ClearMapPixel(char x, char y) // Karten-Pixel loeschen
  PointOut(Radius+1+x, Radius+1+y, DRAW_OPT_CLEAR );


void SetMapAndPixel(char x, char y, char val )
  SetMap(x, y, val);
  SetMapPixel(x, y);


int GetNx(char x, char pos)  // 3 2 1   benachbarte x-Koordinaten
{                            // 4   0
   int nx;                   // 5 6 7

   nx=MadlyEnormous;  // wenn ungueltiger Nachbar
   if (((pos==1)||(pos==0)||(pos==7))&& (x<Radius-1))
     {nx=x+1; }
   if ((pos==2)||(pos==6))
     { nx=x;  }
   if (((pos==3)||(pos==4)||(pos==5))&&(x>(-Radius)))
     {nx=x-1; }

   return nx;


int GetNy(char y, char pos)  // 3 2 1   benachbarte y-Koordinaten
{                            // 4   0
   int ny;                   // 5 6 7

   ny=MadlyEnormous;  // wenn ungueltiger Nachbar
   if (((pos==1)||(pos==2)||(pos==3))&& (y<Radius-1))
     { ny=y+1; }
   if ((pos==4)||(pos==0))
     { ny=y;  }
   if (((pos==5)||(pos==6)||(pos==7))&&(y>(-Radius)))
     { ny=y-1; }

   return ny;


bool CloseToTheEdge(char x, char y, char dir)      // 3 2 1   keine Hindernis-Kanten schneiden
{                                                  // 4   0
   bool edge;                                      // 5 6 7
   short xm,xp,ym,yp;

   edge=false;  // nur bei diagonalem Schritt beruecksichtigen!)

     xm=(xm> -Radius  ? x-1 : x);
     xp=(xp< Radius-1 ? x+1 : x);
     ym=(ym> -Radius  ? y-1 : y);
     yp=(yp< Radius-1 ? y+1 : y);

     if (dir==1) {edge=((GetMap(xp,y)==occ)||(GetMap(x,yp)==occ));} // 0  2
     if (dir==3) {edge=((GetMap(x,yp)==occ)||(GetMap(xm,y)==occ));} // 2  4
     if (dir==5) {edge=((GetMap(xm,y)==occ)||(GetMap(x,ym)==occ));} // 4  6
     if (dir==7) {edge=((GetMap(x,ym)==occ)||(GetMap(xp,y)==occ));} // 6  0

   return edge;


void ExpandNode(char xa, char ya)  // checkt Nachbarfelder von (xa, ya)
  short F, d, k, v, w, z;

  for (d=0;d<=7;d++)
       v=GetNx(xa,d); //  Nachbarn durchgehen:  3 2 1
       w=GetNy(ya,d); //                        4   0
                      //                        5 6 7
       if ((d==0) ||(d==2) ||(d==4) ||(d==6))    // ((p%2)==0 arbeitet fehlerhaft!)
       {k=10; }                                  // Kosten gerader Schritt: 10
         k=14;                                   // Kosten diagonaler Schritt: 15
         if(CloseToTheEdge(xa,ya,d)) continue;   // diagonal ist bei Hinderniskante verboten

       if ((v<MadlyEnormous)&&(w<MadlyEnormous)) // gueltiger Nachbar ?!
         z=GetMap(v,w);                          // Hindernis vorhanden?
         if ( (z==0)&&(!(GetList(v,w)==2)))      // frei und nicht in geschlossener Liste
           F=GetF(xa,ya)+k;                      // F: Kosten zu (v,w) ueber aktuelles Quadrat (xa,ya)

           if (!(GetList(v,w)==1))          // wenn NICHT in offener Liste
              SetList (v,w, 1);             // dann in die offene uebernehmen
              SetxPrev(v,w, xa);            // Vorgaenger: ^x-aktuell
              SetyPrev(v,w, ya);            // Vorgaenger: ^y-aktuell
              SetdPrev(v,w,  d);            // Richtung zum Vorgaenger (0-7)
              if(d==GetdPrev(xa,ya)) F-=2;  // Kosten geringer, wenn keine Kursaenderung
              SetF(v,w,F);                  // Kosten gesamt

           } // if  (Nicht offen)
           if (GetList(v,w)==1)             // wenn aber bereits in offener Liste
              if (F<=GetF(v,w))             // Wegekosten G dorthin vergleichen:
                                            // neuer Weg dahin: geringere Kosten als alte Wegekosten ?
              {                             // dann ueberschreiben + neuen Weg im Quadrat einspeichern
                SetxPrev(v,w, xa);          // Vorgaenger: ^x-aktuell
                SetyPrev(v,w, ya);          // Vorgaenger: ^y-aktuell
                SetdPrev(v,w,  d);          // Richtung zum Vorgaenger (0-7)
                if(d==GetdPrev(xa,ya)) F-=2;// Kosten geringer, wenn keine Kursaenderung
                SetF(v,w,F);                // Kosten gesamt

              } // if (neuer Weg besser)
           } // else if (schon offen)

         } //  if (nicht besetzt, nicht geschlossen)
       } // if (gueltiger Nachbar)

  }// for



void A_Stern (char xStart, char yStart, char xDest, char yDest)
  int i, j, pc=0;
  char xAkt, yAkt, xOld, yOld, xd, yd, xDa, yDa;
  int  FMin=MadlyEnormous;

  xAkt=xDest;       // wir starten rueckwaerts und beginnen die Suche beim Ziel !
  yAkt=yDest;       // Das Quadrat, von dem aus gesucht wird, heisst "aktuelles Quadrat"

  SetList(xAkt, yAkt, 1);              // akt. Quadrat in Offene Liste (=1)
  SetF   (xAkt, yAkt, 0);              // Kosten F=G+H; G=0, H=0;
  SetList(xAkt, yAkt, 2);              // aktuelles Quadrat in geschlossene Liste uebernehmen

  TextOut(56,56, "paths= ");
  TextOut(56,40, "Akt X|Y");

  printf1(56,48, "%6d", pc);           // Anzeige der Zahl der Zyklen/Wege

  int istart,  isign, jstart, jsign;

  if (xDest>=xStart)
        {istart=-Radius;   isign= 1;}
  else  {istart=rRadius-1; isign=-1;}

  if (yDest>=yStart)
        {jstart=-Radius;   jsign= 1;}
  else  {jstart=rRadius-1; jsign=-1;}
  // solange das andere Ende (der Start) nicht gefunden wurde:

  while (GetList(xStart,yStart)!=2)

    // suche in offener Liste (=1)das Feld mit kleinstem F

    for (i=istart; isign*i<rRadius;i+=isign)
        for (j=jstart; jsign*j<rRadius;j+=jsign)
          if ((GetList(i,j)==1)&&(GetF(i,j)<FMin) )
             xAkt=i;    // wenn gefunden: nimm es als aktuelles Quadrat
             if ((xDa<xd)||(yDa<yd))
                SetList(xAkt, yAkt, 2);     // aktuelles Quadrat in geschlossene Liste
                ExpandNode(xAkt, yAkt);     // Nachbarfelder untersuchen
          } // if
        } // for j

        SetList(xAkt, yAkt, 2);       // aktuelles Quadrat in geschlossene Liste

        ExpandNode(xAkt, yAkt);       // Nachbarfelder untersuchen

    } // for i

    printf1(56,48, "%6d", pc);         // Anzeige der Zahl der Zyklen/Wege
    printf1(56,32, "%3d", xAkt);       // x, y Position akt. Feld

    printf1(80,32, "%3d", yAkt);

        TextOut(56,08, "No Way!");     // Ziel ist unerreichbar!
        PlayTone(220,100); Wait(250);  //PlaySound(soundBeepBeep);
        PlayTone(220,100); Wait(250);

  } // while

  TextOut(56,08, "fertig", 0);     // Anzeige, wenn fertig



void DrawMap()  //  Hindernisse und Start/Ziel zeichnen
   char x, y;

   RectOut( 0, 0, MapSize+1, MapSize+1);


   x=0;                       // Hindernis setzen:
   for (y=5;y<=rRadius-1;++y) // Hier kann man sich austoben und beliebige
   {                          // Hindernis-Punkte definieren

   for (y=-5;y<=5;++y)
   {                          //  Hindernis-Mauer definieren

   for (y=-15;y<=12;++y)
   {                          //  Hindernis-Mauer definieren
   for (x=8;x<=rRadius-5;++x)
   {                          //  Hindernis-Mauer definieren:
   for (x=8;x<=rRadius-5;++x)
   {                          //  Hindernis-Mauer definieren:


  SetMapPixel(xStart,yStart);      // Start als Punkt
  SetMapPixel(xDest, yDest);       // Destination als Punkt



void WalkThisWay()   // virtuelle Fahrt der berechneten Route
  char x, y, xn, yn;
  int  dir, olddir, turn;


  TextOut(56,24,"Pos XY ");
  printf1(56,48,"%4d", turn);
  printf1(56,32,"%4d", dir);
  printf1(56,16,"%3d", x); printf1 (80,16,"%3d",y);

  while (! ((x==xDest)&&(y==yDest)))

    printf1(56,16,"%3d", x); printf1(80,16,"%3d",y);
    SetMapPixel(x, y);

    if (dir>=360) dir-=360;

    if (turn<-180) turn=turn+360;
    if (turn>180) turn=360-turn;

    printf1(56,48,"%4d", turn);

    printf1 (56,32,"%4d", dir);


  SetMapPixel(x, y);
  printf1(56,16,"%3d", x); printf1(80,16,"%3d",y);
  TextOut(50,8,"  Ziel");



void initVar()

  ArrayInit2D(F, iTemp, MadlyEnormous, HypSize, HypSize);

  ArrayInit(iTemp,0,0);  // free temp mem
  ArrayInit2D(Map,   cTemp, 0, HypSize, HypSize);
  ArrayInit2D(xPrev, cTemp, 0, HypSize, HypSize);
  ArrayInit2D(yPrev, cTemp, 0, HypSize, HypSize);
  ArrayInit2D(dPrev, cTemp, 0, HypSize, HypSize);
  ArrayInit2D(List , cTemp, 0, HypSize, HypSize);

  ArrayInit(cTemp,0,0);  // free temp mem

  // try out different Start/Dest
  // Start definieren
  xStart= -12;
  yStart= -2;

  // Dest definieren
  xDest = MapSize-Radius-1;
  yDest = 5;


task main()


  A_Stern(xStart,yStart,xDest, yDest);


Last edited by HaWe on 21 Jul 2011, 09:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

Post by afanofosc »

JFYI, by "help testing" I really had something more in mind than "try it and complain when it doesn't work and post large programs that fail in previous versions". Your 1.0.9 version of tamtam works fine at level 3 optimization (after my fix from yesterday). It still crashes when it is nearly finished at level 2 optimizations. Do you have any theories as to how code optimizations could affect your program in a way that only shows up after the same code has been executed thousands of times?

I have replaced the previous test release zip with one uploaded this morning and dated 2011-07-20. It has a fix for the level 3 optimization bug mentioned yesterday plus support for the CruizCore XG1300L sensor and a fix for the I2CVendorId, I2CVersion, and I2CDeviceId API functions which had been truncating data at 7 bytes instead of returning the full 8 bytes.

Code: Select all

struct XGPacketType {
  int AccAngle;
  int TurnRate;
  int XAxis;
  int YAxis;
  int ZAxis;

#define ResetMIXG1300L(_port) asm { __ResetMIXG1300L(_port, __RETVAL__) }
#define SensorMIXG1300LScale(_port) asm { __ReadSensorMIXG1300LScale(_port, __RETVAL__) }
#define SetSensorMIXG1300LScale(_port, _scale) asm { __SetSensorMIXG1300LScale(_port, _scale, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadSensorMIXG1300L(_port, _packet) asm { \
  compchktype _packet, XGPacketType \
  __ReadSensorMIXG1300L(_port, _packet, __RETVAL__) \
Please notice how all 4 of these new API "functions" are defined as #define macros in NXCDefs.h so they cannot accept NXC expressions for any of their parameters. They may be changed to inline functions at some point in the future.

John Hansen
Multi-platform LEGO MINDSTORMS programming
Posts: 2500
Joined: 04 Nov 2014, 19:00

Re: BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

Post by HaWe »

no, sorry, I have no idea.
It always has been working fine with all previous versions on level 1.
(I was always only using level 1 until now for all my programs.)

Are you interested to get reports about large crashing programs on different optimization levels for your new releases or not?
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Re: BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

Post by HaWe »

anyway, that's odd.
for tamtam 1.09 it says with release 20110720
level 0 file error -1
level 1 (runs ok)
level 2 (premature abort)
level 3 (runs ok)

So for level 1+3 the program calculates fine.

Now I add / insert a "stop watch"...:

Code: Select all

long starttime, runtime;

void showtime() {
  while( ButtonPressed(BTNCENTER,false));

task main()
level 0 file error -1
level 1 doesn't expand nodes correctly anymore (no "cloud", just a diagonal line), found "no way", 19569 msec
level 2 file error -2
level 3 doesn't expand nodes correctly anymore (no "cloud", just a diagonal line), "fertig"(finished) although expanded only 7 fields, 16249 msec
level 4 (same as 3)

Removing the stop watch, all is fine again for level 1+3 as before.

But it's also the same for older release versions. Reloading 20110702 it happens the same for stop watch, fine if no stop watch.

(Only if you are interested in this issue for optimizing NXC)
ps, I'm not complaining, I'm just reporting.
Last edited by HaWe on 21 Jul 2011, 09:08, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

Post by afanofosc »

I am interested in hearing reports about defects in NBC/NXC so that I can fix them but it is not terribly helpful to hand me a large program and a simple statement that it doesn't work right in certain situations. It is, however, helpful when you dig deeper, as you have now done, and find that adding or subtracting certain bits of code change the behavior. In this case, it appears to be that adding a structure to the dataspace (the structure used by the TextOut in showtime) is "doing something" that is messing around with how the VM executes the code somehow. It is not clear to me yet exactly what is going on but it is not an issue, per se, with the optimizations other than that code optimizations can cause the compiler to remove unused declarations from the dataspace. It is something buggy deep inside the compiler that happens to be revealed with just the right (or wrong) combination of variable declarations in the dataspace. In other words, you were simply lucky that your code worked at optimization level 1 with previous versions of NBC.

John Hansen
Multi-platform LEGO MINDSTORMS programming
Posts: 2500
Joined: 04 Nov 2014, 19:00

Re: BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

Post by HaWe »

ok, maybe it's really a program bug, not a compiler bug,
maybe depending on requested memory.
So a new test -

for tamtam109
new release 20110720,
reducing the array sizes from 44 to 40,
including stop watch:

level 0 file error -1
level 1 file error -5
level 2 expanding nodes: ok, 152407 msec, showing the route> ok
level 3 expanding nodes: ok, 152286 msec, showing the route> accidentally complete abort, NXT switches off, other times: ok

same code with old release 20110702
level 0 file error -1
level 1 ~220000 msec always ok
level 2 ~153000 msec always ok
level 3 ~152000 msec always ok .

so it's probably a new issue because of latest fw/compiler changes.

strange that :
level 0 ALWAYS gives file error -1 for every fw
level 1 file error -5 (new release ) is quite unexpected especially because required mem has been reduced
Last edited by HaWe on 21 Jul 2011, 09:08, edited 3 times in total.
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