hitechnic experimenters kit

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Re: hitechnic experimenters kit

Post by gusjansson »

As a kid I had the exact same 150 in 1 lab that Xander had. This was an excellent set and I loved it!

The current Electronics Lab from Radio Shack is also excellent:
http://www.radioshack.com/product/index ... Id=3814337
This is what my son has and it comes with an impressive selection of components. This is what I would recommend for basic electronics experimenting.

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Re: hitechnic experimenters kit

Post by mightor »

Wow, it even comes with a book by Forest M Mimms by the looks of it! So cool! I had -all- of his booklets, they were the best!

- Xander
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Re: hitechnic experimenters kit

Post by mattallen37 »

Actually, TWO books by him. It really is a great set. The books are great, the lab has many features, and the kit has a very large selection of parts. You can buy it off eBay for <$40 last I checked.

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