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Re: NXT clicking, no fw download possible

Posted: 23 Sep 2013, 18:07
by h-g-t
I had a similar problem but went ahead with the transfer anyway (BCC) and it worked.

Might be worth making sure you have the latest version of BCC and trying again, even if it says it can't find the brick.

A bit puzzled by the reference to the RCX, are you sure you selected NXT when you started BCC?

You could try selecting NXT inside the program just to be on the safe side before starting the transfer.

Re: NXT clicking, no fw download possible

Posted: 23 Sep 2013, 18:18
by HaWe
but the NXT can't be detected neither by Windows nor by NXT-G nor by BCC.

As I wrote, NXT-G denies fw download because no NXT can be detected.
BCC can't find the brick, but starts fw download nevertheless but then fails.
Same failure at every other PC.

As I wrote before, any other NXT we tried works fine with every other PC.

Re: NXT clicking, no fw download possible

Posted: 23 Sep 2013, 18:38
by mattallen37
The "move the RCX closer and try again" thing is known to appear whenever BCC failed to communicate with the target (be it RCX, NXT etc.). It's a message left over from the days of the RCX, and has just never been fixed.

Re: NXT clicking, no fw download possible

Posted: 23 Sep 2013, 18:58
by HaWe
thx, and yes, that was what I finally read out of JH's post.
So after all I think it's probably a more severe hardware issue, maybe the bootloader or the USB chip is damaged.
It would be nice to have a diagnosis tool nevertheless to get to the root of this issue.

Re: NXT clicking, no fw download possible

Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 14:21
by mrblp

do you have a solution to it now?

Do you know if the owner used the ATMEL SAM-BA-Tool to get access to the brick? Or did he do anything special with it? If not I do not think the security bit is the problem.

How old is the brick? Perhaps it is old enough so the flash is worn out? I do not surely know what the brick is doing then. You can read the production year next to the opposite of the battery case opener: 123Z7 for example. The last number, 7 in this case, is the last number of the production year: 2007. It should be 5 = 2005 ... 9 = 2009, 0 = 2010 ... 2 = 2012.

On the other side: Even if your computer works for all of your other bricks I suggest you try to change the following parts to be sure:

1) The brick batteries / battery
2) The USB cable
3) The USB port
4) The computer

And be sure you have pulled out all sensor / motor cables...

Take a look in the Device Manager of windows. The brick should show up like a SAM-BA device, not as a LEGO NXT nor as a unknown device.

Oh and are you (local) administrator when plugging in the brick? Windows always installs a new driver when detecting a new device - and every brick is a new device because it has an unique serial number. Perhaps you were local administrator when you plugged in your old devices, changed this later and now windows only allows your old bricks.

Mh. That's all I can think of at the moment...

Good luck!

Re: NXT clicking, no fw download possible

Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 14:58
by HaWe
of course I checked all this before:
As I wrote, NXT-G denies fw download because no NXT can be detected.
BCC can't find the brick, but starts fw download nevertheless but then fails.
Same failure at every other PC.

As I wrote before, any other NXT we tried works fine with every other PC.
and I already wrote that all what Matthew already proposed also failed.

I'm always administrator and I'm the only user.

No samba devicve in the device manager, no unknown USB device, just 2 unknown unspecified devices.

Lego support suggested the same as Matthew, of course no success either.

The brick surely is older than 3 or 4 years.

No solution so far.

Re: NXT clicking, no fw download possible

Posted: 05 May 2020, 22:14
by cmskipsey
Did you ever find a solution? I too have an old NXT 2.0 from 2009, which clicks not won't be recognized by any of my Linux or Mac systems.

I hope that because it's clicking, it should at least be "working" to some extent...

Re: NXT clicking, no fw download possible

Posted: 06 May 2020, 08:09
by sebastiantrella
the clicking means that the brick is in firmware-update mode. with the right dirver installed you should be able to push the firmware on it through the lego software. your brick should be fine.