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Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Posted: 28 Sep 2012, 19:05
by jld001
I have a hard time using the search feature in BricxCC. I hit Ctrl+F and the window pops up. I type in what I want to look for, and click OK. Then the window disappears. It would be really nice if a window would stay up with the buttons "Next" and "Previous".
Any thoughts?

Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Posted: 13 Oct 2012, 10:09
by HaWe
It would be desirable if BCC could also target NxOS (ANSI C compiler), especially also for nxtOSEK.

Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Posted: 12 Dec 2012, 07:55
by HaWe
what does the BCC developer team say about a nxtOSEK C-Compiler support?

Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 17:27
by HaWe
would be nice if one could start the NXT screen automatically by BCC startup and also start polling immediately.
AND to have a shortcut for that (like alt+s or anything)

where does the NXTscreen disappear if you click on "minimize"? Maybe an entry in the task bar would be helpful for this thread...

Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Posted: 11 Nov 2014, 16:35
by HaWe
and here's another one for the NXT, even if outdated and in vain:

it would be wishful if the i2c send-/receive buffer could be enlarged from currently 14 bytes to faaaaaaar more (e.g., 64, or even 128 or 256).

Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 07:06
by Stryker295
HaWe wrote:and here's another one for the NXT, even if outdated and in vain:

it would be wishful if the i2c send-/receive buffer could be enlarged from currently 14 bytes to faaaaaaar more (e.g., 64, or even 128 or 256).
Don't quote me on it, but I'd think the i2c buffer would be more of a hardware-side limitation than a software-side one?

Re: wishlist for BricxCC

Posted: 12 Nov 2014, 14:46
by HaWe
no, actually not:
in leJOS it's 32 bytes and Andy Shaw wrote that it was just his voluntary decision to limit it that way.

edit, BTW:
the NXTs don't have i2c hardware for the sensor prts, it's just software-emulated, so-called bit-banging, and that's why its a) so slow and b) why there's just a master mode available (slave bit-banging is a mess as far as I've read, but now don't you quote me on this ;) ).