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Re: Using the ultrasonic sensor with other controllers

Posted: 23 Nov 2010, 20:34
by nxtreme
mattallen37 wrote:Actually, I think nxtreme said he has used pullups that are only 10k with the NXT, and it worked fine. That means, that if mindsensors... used 82k's, then you should be able to use up to about 8 on one port without pullup problems.
Yes, I used the SparkFun HMC6352 breakout which has 10K pullups already installed. Rather than install my own, I just used it as it was. It worked fine. There was someone on the NXTasy forums by the name of Gatsu that suggested it would work with the pullups it had and also supplied some NXT-G code. If your out there, thanks again!

I also bought a Nunchuck (Or Nunchuck look-alike, a Kama by Nyko) a while back and tried to connect it to the NXT but it had 1.8K pullups, too much for the NXT so I wasn't able to get anything working. Maybe once I have more time...

Re: Using the ultrasonic sensor with other controllers

Posted: 23 Nov 2010, 20:59
by HaWe

Re: Using the ultrasonic sensor with other controllers

Posted: 29 Nov 2010, 00:23
by nxtreme
Sorry for the late reply, I was gone for the weekend. Thanks for the links, I'm sure it'll help. Now, to finish my other project so that I can get on to the fun stuff...