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Re: wishlist for NXC

Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 19:45
by HaWe
if once a TR network for rs485, nxtBee and BT will have been established -
64bit floats (double) would be fine :)))

Re: wishlist for NXC

Posted: 24 Sep 2012, 18:09
by HaWe
not to forget...(edited):
doc-helmut wrote: as meanwhile the nxcdefs.h has grown big enough to sink the whole Royal Navy^^ i would appreciate if we could get more distinct header files to be C-like #included, e.g.
stdio.h (display, button, file io)
comm.h (for BT and rs485 and general i2c)
stdlib.h (math, array, and strings calculation/manipulation/statistics and all the rest)

Re: wishlist for NXC

Posted: 27 Sep 2012, 13:36
by HaWe
the error messages of the compiler are really odd and are quite ununderstandable.
Ain't it possible that the errors refer to the original variable names or identifiers instead of __main_7qG2_i_7qG2_001, __main_7qG2_j_7qG2_003?
domsel wrote:# Status: NBC compilation failed.
# Error: Error parsing expression: datad[__main_7qG2_i_7qG2_001][__main_7qG2_j_7qG2_003]
File "/home/dominik/Dropbox/TAIS-HiWi/test nbc/portalx.nxc" ; line 32
# Error: Error parsing expression: tmp[__main_7qG2_i_7qG2_001][__main_7qG2_j_7qG2_003]
File "/home/dominik/Dropbox/TAIS-HiWi/test nbc/portalx.nxc" ; line 34

Re: wishlist for NXC

Posted: 27 Sep 2012, 16:45
by mattallen37
The problem with it giving actual names as you defined, is that you could have many local variables with the same name (in different scopes). This way it tells you specifically which local variable (by name and by scope) it is talking about.

Re: wishlist for NXC

Posted: 27 Sep 2012, 20:33
by HaWe
any names that refer more to the original source names would be already a small step if not a leap...

Re: wishlist for NXC

Posted: 29 Sep 2012, 13:38
by HaWe
hmmm . indeed RobotC seems to provide recursions.... :evil:
what about NXC...? :ugeek:

Code: Select all

int rmax=9;

void rloop(int x) {
   if (x<rmax) { rloop(x+1); }
   else return;

task main() {

Re: wishlist for NXC

Posted: 17 Oct 2012, 16:47
by HaWe
IMO it's not good that one always has to wait 15 ms for each USS call, because if one wants to poll many sensors in 1 polling loop a forced wait(15) for each USS reduces needlessly the polling frequence of all other sensors (touch or light or what ever) in the same loop.
E.g., having 3 USS and 4 touch sensors to read there's unnecessarily 45ms delay in that loop.

It should be possible to switch off the built-in wait(15) if one wants.

Re: wishlist for NXC

Posted: 19 Oct 2012, 21:01
by HaWe
doc-helmut wrote:John,
would it be much effort to make for *.h the same txt highlighting available as for *.nxc?
John,very nice and convenient to have .h now also at once for standard file types in the file/open menu! Thx a lot!

Re: wishlist for NXC

Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 22:31
by HaWe
no recursions for NXC in competition with RobotC?

Re: wishlist for NXC

Posted: 12 Nov 2012, 05:11
by mattallen37
I don't mean to speak for John, but I assume the previous still stands; recursions and/or pointers would require major rewriting of the FW, which John does not have the time/will to make happen in the foreseeable future. Just because ROBOTC supports it doesn't mean it would be any easier to add support for it in NXC. NXC is not in competition with ROBOTC, they are simply alternatives of the other.

I suggest you never again ask for recursions in NXC, since you are not the deciding factor, and you have already made your wish (abundantly) known.

Just a rhetorical question, but why do you want NXC to copy ROBOTC, if you are so opposed to ROBOTC?