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Re: BBCode Wishlist
Posted: 23 Oct 2010, 18:10
by muntoo
mightor wrote:I assume that by slashed text, you don't mean something like /hello/ but rather strike-through.
No, I meant /text/.
Re: BBCode Wishlist
Posted: 28 Oct 2010, 02:34
by muntoo
Here's some links for LaTeX, which will
hopefully be installed...
(MathJax is used by and ... ation.html ... &start=240
WARNING: If this works, I'll probably start randomly placing math formulas all over the place. Proceed with caution...
Should display (but smaller, of course):


Re: BBCode Wishlist
Posted: 28 Oct 2010, 18:05
by HaWe
Code: Select all
[math]{d\over dt}{\partial{T}\over \partial{\dot{\varphi}_j}} - {\partial{}\over \partial{\varphi_j}} (T-V) = 0[/math]
 = 0)
Re: BBCode Wishlist
Posted: 28 Oct 2010, 20:29
by mightor
Just use the form to create the image and then stick it in img tags. You can find the form here:
Re: BBCode Wishlist
Posted: 28 Oct 2010, 21:42
by HaWe
was only a test.
Currently I have no need to use Latex, but sometimes it could make things easier.
Re: BBCode Wishlist
Posted: 29 Oct 2010, 02:40
by muntoo
mightor wrote:

What is that anyways? Some famous equation I've never heard of?
Re: BBCode Wishlist
Posted: 29 Oct 2010, 06:54
by mightor
No idea, but when I plug in any number, it always returns 42.
- Xander
Re: BBCode Wishlist
Posted: 29 Oct 2010, 13:09
by HaWe
there must be a joker somewhere
Re: BBCode Wishlist
Posted: 30 Oct 2010, 00:48
by muntoo
mightor wrote:No idea, but when I plug in any number, it always returns 42.
- Xander
Did you read that in the hitchhiker's guide?

Re: BBCode Wishlist
Posted: 30 Oct 2010, 07:03
by mightor
The Hitchwhat? Nah, I got an email from some guy called Deep Thought who told me.
- Xander