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Re: Idea: Visual NXC

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 07:19
by muntoo
doc-helmut wrote:I really don't want to discourage you or call your challenge into any question, but given the fact that it is an almost unmanageable chunck of keywords, definitions, predefined expressions and macros (look at NXCdefs.h) which have to be processed into a graphic symbol it's worth while a big team of specialists who care about it's implementation and redeployment and it's hard to see in how many years this project will ever be finished...
That just made me push C# in my to-learn list even more. :D

Re: Idea: Visual NXC

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 14:16
by sidneys1
doc-helmut wrote:1.) visual Basic or Delphi or Borland C++ (which I actually know better) don't generate code that calculates or writes any useful routines - they generate just a user interface with windows, buttons, canvas, menus, edit boxes. What happens "internally" if a user pushs a button must still be written in "legal handwritten C or Pascal code" - each variable, each loop, each if, is +, *, / -, ^, % or what ever.
No idea what you're saying here, but C# has excellent "code-behind" features. It's not just an interface.. And even if it wasn't, .NET allows close integration of CLI and Native codebases. I could write all of the codebehind in C++ if I knew it and wanted to.
doc-helmut wrote:2.) What you try to do is much more than this: you try to put every keyword, variable, more-dim. array, expression, macro, modifier, device, into a graphic symbol.
Not quite. Blocks will merely represent a snippet of NXC code. There will not be a single block for 'every line of code'. Some blocks will contain dozens of lines of code. Variables will be handled automatically (to some extent) in that local varaibles will not conflict with global variables, and the user will have access to the global vars if and only if they want it.
doc-helmut wrote:3.) NXC has lots of keywords and symbols and devices and what else...
See my response to point #2.
doc-helmut wrote:4.) If you try to put all this (the programming language itself, not just the user panel and interface) into grafic symbols you will end up inevitably at a grafic language which more or less looks like or similar as NXT-G or Robolab or Labview, except the fantastic benefit that you will have an additional written code in NXC syntax.
That is the idea :) And, unlike NXT-G, Robolab, or Labview I am planning on having a special block for advanced users that allows them to write the code within the block themselves.. Think of an "nxc code" block in NXT-G.
doc-helmut wrote:I really don't want to discourage you or call your challenge into any question, but given the fact that it is an almost unmanageable chunck of keywords, definitions, predefined expressions and macros (look at NXCdefs.h) which have to be processed into a graphic symbol it's worth while a big team of specialists who care about it's implementation and redeployment and it's hard to see in how many years this project will ever be finished...
The "chunk of keywords, definitions, expressions, and macros" is hardly unmanageable. V-NXC already parses all commands, constants, and keywords (2,000+ of them) to do the code highlighting. It loads this all when the "view output" window opens, and takes no noticable time at all.
doc-helmut wrote:I personally almost would have resigned since quite from the start, but I honestly hope this could be a further incentive for all for all involved people to bring this actually magnificent project to a glorious final... :)
That is also the idea :)

Have a nice day,

Re: Idea: Visual NXC

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 14:28
by HaWe
No idea what you're saying here, but C# has excellent "code-behind" features. It's not just an interface.. And even if it wasn't, .NET allows close integration of CLI and Native codebases. I could write all of the codebehind in C++ if I knew it and wanted to.
what I meant was: if I want to write code for odometric navigator and maze solver I would have to write my C or Pascal code on my own (using Borland Delphi or C++), both won't give me any libraries with precast code for calculting all the astar nodes and paths and trigonometric formulas for positions from odometric data. There is just the code for the windows and buttons a.s.o.

But I wish you good luck^^

Re: Idea: Visual NXC

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 23:17
by muntoo
You know, I think you should convert the SVN to Mercurial*. SVN is designed for a one user project; Hg is for an entire team.

I believe SourceForge supports Mercurial, but I recommend the best: Bitbucket.


*Or git, I guess, but I'd much rather have the awesome ease and elegance of Merucial (Hg) by Selenium (Se). And, yeah, we're doing Chemistry in Science class.

WARNING: Link contains a "bad word" in large, unfriendly capital letters. :o Link.

Re: Idea: Visual NXC

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 00:19
by sidneys1
muntoo wrote:You know, I think you should convert the SVN to Mercurial.
I'll look into it.

Have a nice day,

Re: Idea: Visual NXC

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 05:48
by mightor
SVN is not designed for a single user, that's nonsense. I have been part of very large projects that used SVN. It has everything you need for conflict resolving, etc. Now unless you are hosting a project involving hundreds, if not thousands of users using many geographically distributed repositories, SVN will do just fine.

Don't make things more complicated and complex than they have to be.

- Xander

Re: Idea: Visual NXC

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 13:03
by sidneys1
Actually I'm really liking Mercurial. I'm finding its commit/revision system to be more comfortable (and per-file!), I can better see what exactly changed, commit notes are better integrated, and it all just seems.. 'cleaner'. Just personal preference, but at least on this project I'm a convert.

Have a nice day,

Re: Idea: Visual NXC

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 05:36
by muntoo
You really should upload your new DLL Libraries (specifically STP.Rgi). I've been itching to compile this...

Also, you should edit your SourceForge Visual NXC project page to include a "redirect" to your new repository.

Re: Idea: Visual NXC

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 14:28
by sidneys1
muntoo wrote:You really should upload your new DLL Libraries (specifically STP.Rgi). I've been itching to compile this...

Also, you should edit your SourceForge Visual NXC project page to include a "redirect" to your new repository.
Thanks for the reminder! I've been meaning to do that for a while now..

Have a nice day,

EDIT: Fixed.

Re: Idea: Visual NXC

Posted: 09 Jun 2011, 19:34
by sidneys1
Also, for anyone who doesn't want to download and complile the code themselves, I compiled a minor update here. No real changes, just a few little bug fixes and tweaks.

Visual NXC v0.1.0.5r (r for 'refresh')

So, there you go, peeps too lazy/unable to compile :D Also, as mentioned in my previous post, I updated the "DLL" file, which contains the new dependancies required for V-NXC to compile.

Have a nice day,