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Simultaneously bluetooth remote and run program

Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 20:30
by timmeistah

I'm a student on a hogeschool in the Netherlands. We're working with lego NXT mindstorms for a project. However I'm using my phone (minddroid and other applications) to drive with the NXT, but I don't know how I simultaneously run a program. For example, I drive it over a black line with the remote, and because the program is running, the sensor sees in the program that if it drives over a black line, it has to stop.

I really hope you could help me with this problem.
Thanks in advanced!


Re: Simultaneously bluetooth remote and run program

Posted: 26 Sep 2011, 03:45
by timpattinson
You'll need to find an app that will send messages to an inbox on the NXT.
This means that the app does not actually interfere with the program moving the motors, but allows the program to recieve info form the app

Re: Simultaneously bluetooth remote and run program

Posted: 29 Oct 2011, 09:04
by divx118
timpattinson wrote:You'll need to find an app that will send messages to an inbox on the NXT.
This means that the app does not actually interfere with the program moving the motors, but allows the program to recieve info form the app

Writing my own app wouldn't be a problem, just wondering if there is any documentation on how to do this in android and how to read the inbox on the mindstorm.
Is something like this already done in minddroid (didn't look at the source yet)?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Simultaneously bluetooth remote and run program

Posted: 04 Nov 2011, 02:35
by bccyuen

I recently made an Android phone app, named NXT Pad to do the similar thing. It can send out 1-9 value to the Bluetooth mailbox of the NXT brick connected with the phone. You may find and download it on Andriod Market, and visit the app's website for more details, and sample NXT-G code. Please don't forget to rate and review the app once you've started using it.
