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New to forum and NXT

Posted: 18 Sep 2011, 20:39
by rtbrd
Hi, I am new to the forum and have not yet invested in NXT2.0(8547) however my granddaughter has shown an interest in mechanical things and in math and appears to be sorta geekish, yeah! She is only seven years old but is quite intelligent.

To my question. I am planning on purchasing this for her Xmas present from me (and probably to me). I have a Windows 7 Professional (edit after h-g-t reply 64 bit) computer and have looked on the internet to see if there are any problems/resolutions to using the pacakged software with this OS. I have not really come across a good answer and when searching this site the only response I have gotten to many different forms of the question is to many matches thus no answer.

I am open to any comments. I personally have never done any robotics but I am an electronics technician and have done programming (not much) including LabView.

Re: New to forum and NXT

Posted: 18 Sep 2011, 20:58
by h-g-t
I have used NXT 2.0 on both XP and Win 7 without noticing any problems.

Re: New to forum and NXT

Posted: 18 Sep 2011, 22:02
by dimasterooo
h-g-t wrote:I have used NXT 2.0 on both XP and Win 7 without noticing any problems.
Same here

Re: New to forum and NXT

Posted: 19 Sep 2011, 05:06
by mightor
The 2.0 software should work just fine on a Windows 7 machine.

- Xander

Re: New to forum and NXT

Posted: 19 Sep 2011, 07:47
by h-g-t
Forgot to say that you should make sure you have the latest Fantom driver on your computer - ... river.aspx

Re: New to forum and NXT

Posted: 15 Dec 2011, 20:12
by rtbrd
Well, I got my NXT, loaded the software and downloaded the latest Fantom driver. I haven't put anything together but I was able to run the demo program that makes sounds so it looks like there is no problem.

Next question. The manual only has instructions for the shooter bot but the software includes the insturctions for the other three bots. Is there anyway to print these insturctions? I will be somewhat difficult to be sitting at the computer and trying to build these units.

Re: New to forum and NXT

Posted: 16 Dec 2011, 06:31
by mightor
Hi there,

I am not sure about those building instructions, but the bonus models are online and you could easily print those: [LINK].

- Xander

Re: New to forum and NXT

Posted: 17 Dec 2011, 00:24
by bungeshea
rtbrd wrote:The manual only has instructions for the shooter bot but the software includes the insturctions for the other three bots. Is there anyway to print these insturctions?
Look in

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\LEGO Software\LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT\engine\EditorVIs\Academy Content\activities\instructions
You will find some images that you can print out, make into a PDF, etc :D

Re: New to forum and NXT

Posted: 17 Dec 2011, 18:29
by rtbrd
bungeshea, that works, it has all the jpgs for the different robots.

