The winter project THE FINAL FILM (all look on endpage)
Posted: 30 Oct 2011, 17:02
by nxt1engineer
The winter project is a beer serving machine
We are building a machine that opens a bottle of beer (two brands) , cool it at a right temperture and serve it to you.
Re: The winter project
Posted: 30 Oct 2011, 17:37
by mightor
Really cool concept, it's too bad you had to use Heineken. Will it work with real beer like Grolsch?
- Xander
Re: The winter project
Posted: 30 Oct 2011, 20:37
by nxt1engineer
Its going to work with 2 types of beer Heineken and Grolsch, you have make a choice and the right beer is cooled and opened.
For cooling we going to use a Peltier element on a aluminium block and a lego temp sensor, you have to adjust the temperature, 5 -15 degrees
The biggest advent is unscrewing the bottle. its very tight.
We will see,
The date 2112 is wrong, i hope to do this faster.
Re: The winter project
Posted: 30 Oct 2011, 23:32
by aswin0
I didn't know About Peltier elements before. That's why NXT is so much fun.