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Brixcc unable to download prgm on NXT2

Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 17:11
by jfr21

I'm posting here because I'm loosing my mind trying to solve following problem. :oops:
Perhaps someone could have an idea to put me in the right direction ;)

I'm using NXT2 + Brixcc under Windows XP (lates version available for brixcc)
Connection to the nxt2 is done by USB cable
NXT2 is correctly detected by Brixcc and I'm able to play with motors, sensors, sounds using Brixcc menus.

But when I try to compile, download and run a rpogram into the NXT2 it fails.
I tried to load one of the sample given with brixcc software ("7_music.nqc")
- Compile : Ok no problem
- Download : seems Ok, no error message
- Run : Nothing
I tried several samples and got same result : doesn't work
During prgm download the NXT2 doesn't "clic clic" as when I downloaded the new firmware

If anyone here have an idea :-)
Thanks a lot
(PS : It's a new acquisition and it didn't work before)
have a good day

Re: Brixcc unable to download prgm on NXT2

Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 18:15
by mattallen37
.nqc files are for the RCX. .nxc is for the NXT, as is .nbc (assembler) .rxe (NXT executable) .rso (sound file) .ric (image file).

What do you mean by "NXT2"? You mean an NXT with a 2.0 FW (1.28+)? Make sure you have the latest enhanced FW on the NXT (included with BCC). Also make sure your compiler settings are set right.

Re: Brixcc unable to download prgm on NXT2

Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 18:18
by afanofosc
BricxCC uses a different compiler depending on the file extension of the source code you are trying to compile. So any NQC file will be compiled by the NQC compiler which does not support the NXT. When it tries to download the results of the compilation it will fail. NQC supports RCX, RCX2, Spybot, and Scout - not NXT. But there is no reason why, if you are connected to an NXT that you might decide to open an NQC file and try to compile it. I might change BricxCC to disable the Download button in a case like this, though.

If you are working with an NXT then you need to use either NBC files or NXC files to program your brick. NBC and NXC files are compiled by the NBC compiler which knows how to generate executables that can run on the NXT and it knows how to download them correctly to the NXT. You can also compile RICScript files (.rs) and NXT Programs (.npg) using the NBC compiler.

In addition to supporting the NXT brick the NBC compiler also supports the new HiTechnic SuperPro prototyping board with the SuperPro C (.spc) programming language and the SuperPro Assembler (.spasm) programming language.

John Hansen

Re: Brixcc unable to download prgm on NXT2

Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 20:43
by jfr21

Thanks a lot :D
Using .nxc files now it works fine

Again thanks for you help