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Good NXT blogs

Posted: 28 Dec 2011, 15:18
by pepijndevos
Which Mindstorms blogs do you read?

I'm compiling a page of Mindstorms news. I have added the NXT step and some Twitter and Google+ keywords, but I'm sure there's more good stuff.

[edit] It would be cool if this forum had RSS/Atom feeds, I read PHPBB supports it.

Re: Good NXT blogs

Posted: 28 Dec 2011, 16:53
by sidneys1
pepijndevos wrote:[edit] It would be cool if this forum had RSS/Atom feeds, I read PHPBB supports it.
Unfortunately, RSS/ATOM feeds in PHPBB requires mods, and SourceForge doesn't support that. Sorry.

As for blogs/feeds, here are a few I follow:
TechnicBricks - Not Mindstorms-specific, but they do mention it every now and then...
Tinkernology - One of my favorites.
BotBench Xander Soldaat's (Mightor's) Blog. Excellent reading, another one of my favorites.
Official LEGO Mindstorms News
And maybe even mine:
Sidneys1's Blog - Topic: Robots

Have a nice day,

Re: Good NXT blogs

Posted: 29 Dec 2011, 00:03
by jojoguy14
My blog is called TechN'XT. I do a podcast semi-regularly, post news about Technic and Mindstorms, and more!


Re: Good NXT blogs

Posted: 29 Dec 2011, 17:22
by pepijndevos
Thanks, I'll add them to my "newspaper" for the next issue.

Re: Good NXT blogs

Posted: 30 Dec 2011, 02:59
by dimasterooo
I have a pretty big of mindstorms blogs with rss feeds here:

and yeah my website is also about mindstorms nxt:

Re: Good NXT blogs

Posted: 30 Dec 2011, 03:35
by muntoo
I find Spillerrec's blog the most interesting of all the Mindstorms blogs. (Although... it's not strictly Mindstorms.)

/Lego; Feed
/Lego/Mindstorms; Feed

Re: Good NXT blogs

Posted: 30 Dec 2011, 05:33
by bungeshea
I have a growing list of LEGO/Mindstorms websites here:

And my website, The NXT Generation Robotics