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(2nd) poll: use or need for which firmware?

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 18:54
by HaWe
I'd like to know who in this forum is using the std and the enhanced fw exclusively or alternatively ...

Re: poll: use or need for which firmware?

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 19:21
by hassenplug
You may want to rethink this poll. For example, NXT-G does not (somewhat by definition) NEED enhanced firmware.

And it doesn't include an option for all the other alternate firmwares.


Re: poll: use or need for which firmware?

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 19:25
by HaWe
you're right, but I want to know what people need or want to use the Lego-based ones for (std or enh) even if the language primarily doesn't (maybe for some homebrewed NXT-G blocks including some advanced features)

Re: poll: use or need for which firmware?

Posted: 04 Jan 2012, 13:13
by pepijndevos
I was so far unable to find what the enhanced firmware is all about except multidimensional arrays, which aren't that interesting really.

Re: poll: use or need for which firmware?

Posted: 04 Jan 2012, 13:41
by HaWe
then your voting could probably be:
"I need the std firmware for NXT-G and do not use the enhanced firmware for this"
"I need the std firmware for NXC and do not use the enhanced firmware for this"

Re: poll: use or need for which firmware?

Posted: 05 Jan 2012, 07:40
by HaWe
for a fairly reasonable indication (meaningfulness ?) of the poll it would be nice if at least 100 people would vote.
thank you!

Re: poll: use or need for which firmware?

Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 13:49
by HaWe
I would appreciate it very much if some more people would support his poll... 8-)

Re: poll: use or need for which firmware?

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 17:28
by HaWe
well, it's still not representative by far yet, but...

it seems so far that all NXT-G users use different firmwares than NXC users.
NXC users widely use a different firmware (actually already all, because there probably was just one single case of inexperience).

Every NXC user is loading down the (specific) enhanced firmware to his brick as soon he wants to use NXC (and is dropping the Lego standard fw).
And NXT-G don't users don't use the enhanced fw either.

So there's some force to the conclusion that the intersection set of both firmwares plus it's specific users is empty.

That means, there is no need of down-compatibility from the enhanced firmware to the Lego standard firmware, it can be handled like any other distinct firmware like NXTOSEK, RobotC, Java, ... :

A different instruction set and different functionalities may exist for the enhanced firmware compared to the Lego firmware, we may safely leave the path of compatibility.

Re: poll: use or need for which firmware?

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 18:43
by mattallen37
doc-helmut wrote:So there's some force to the conclusion that the intersection set of both firmwares plus it's specific users is empty.

That means, there is no need of down-compatibility from the enhanced firmware to the Lego standard firmware, it can be handled like any other distinct firmware like NXTOSEK, RobotC, Java, ... :

A different instruction set and different functionalities may exist for the enhanced firmware compared to the Lego firmware, we may safely leave the path of compatibility.
I understand where you are coming from, but strongly disagree. One of the "selling points" for me to try NXC, was the ability to run it on the standard FW. And even now, I will occasionally use NXT-G, but not often enough to set an NXT aside for it.

However, I would very much like another EFW, that is NXC specific. I would like it stripped from all the "junk" in the menu system, and have support for several things it doesn't support now. This would be in addition to the current EFW (that is 100% backwards compatible with NXT-G).

Also realize that you received 15 votes, hardly a good representation of the thousands using NXC.

Re: poll: use or need for which firmware?

Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 18:57
by HaWe
I agree as I already wrote by my own:
well, it's still not representative by far yet, but...

it seems so far that all NXT-G users use different firmwares than NXC users.
I would appreciate very much if far more users would vote to get a far more representative poll.
And I surely know that not all NXC users would like to see the result of such a voting. But it's like "real votings or pollings in democracy":
there will be a minority and a majority.

The conclusions which will have to be drawn are on a different level of action, but it's surely not bad to know the basic level we are standing on and upon which we draw the conclusions (and not just by hearsay or assumptions or guesswork).

(this is also the way evidence-based medicine is working... )^^

But finally, as we say in Germany: "mach die Rechnung nicht ohne den Wirt" (sth sort of "don't write the bill without ...John" ^^)

edit: 3 x typos corrected :oops: