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My new NXT game- After Dark, in grayscale

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 03:09
by nxtboyiii
After Dark
The grayscale zombie shoot-em-up
Ok, so here is my new NXT game.
The game is supposed to be where you are a person trying to survive from zombies. You can get weapon upgrades and more health.
All I have so far is the part about attacking the zombies and the shop.
Please tell me what you think.
I really need some ideas for the game.
Also people could make some sprites for me for the game, because currently the character is mario. :P
Oh yeah, and it's in 4-lvl grayscale!!

-4-lvl Grayscale
-5 different weapons, which are: Sword, Long Sword, Staff, Pistol, and Machine Gun
-Animated zombie
-Some gore from zombies
-Shop to buy weapons
Attack/Fire pistol- Bump touch sensor port 1
Shoot Machine Gun- Hold down touch sensor port 1
Select item in pause screen- Center button
Move left/right and up/down list in menu- Left and right buttons

Who helped make this possible:
saintrunner from made most of the sprites. I am not good at creating pixel art. :roll:
TBO_Yeong from made the title screen.

EDIT: Here's all the files needed to play the game. Just drag all the files in the .zip to your NXT and play the game!

Re: My new game- After Dark

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 01:21
by xeda
I got to take a look. Nice job, it looks neat! I do not own a kit, but a friend does and they want me to program it :)

Re: My new game- After Dark

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 02:02
by nxtboyiii
That's cool that you made an account!
You should try out NXT!

Re: My new game- After Dark

Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 14:01
by littletim979
you should post the program - also how is it controlled?

Re: My new game- After Dark

Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 20:10
by nxtboyiii
It uses the touch sensor and NXT Buttons.

Re: My new game- After Dark

Posted: 22 Jan 2012, 09:18
by HaWe
could you pls post the program (NXC or executable)?

Re: My new game- After Dark

Posted: 28 Jan 2012, 01:43
by nxtboyiii
Well the code is uncommented and the variables have weird names and the code is super messy.......... :oops: :oops:

Re: My new game- After Dark

Posted: 28 Jan 2012, 03:40
by mattallen37
Using proper white-space, variable names, and comments is a very important part of programming. Obviously it makes no difference to the NXT, but it makes a tremendous difference to anyone trying to read through your code for modifications or debugging. I suggest you tidy up your programs as you make them, so that it's possible to read through them later.

Re: My new game- After Dark

Posted: 28 Jan 2012, 05:31
by nxtboyiii
Yeah, that's probably good, though usually I'm in a hurry.

Re: My new game- After Dark

Posted: 02 Feb 2012, 03:12
by nxtboyiii
I added a youtube video of the latest version.
It's on the main post, sorry it's sideways.