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NXT-NXT bluetooth

Posted: 03 Feb 2012, 21:25
by roscohead
OK, I just decided to start a project that requires my NXTs to communicate. It's a fairly simple deal, with one NXT being the main controller (with motors sensors etc) and the other being a remote controller (sends commands, receives status updates). I found Danny's bluetooth lib that I'm currently using unchanged, and have included my code below.

This code does not work. Usually the remote NXT will crash (ticking), sometimes after it has sent a message, sometimes before. The master NXT doesn't crash, and will sometimes show 1 or 2 messages received. I really have no idea where to go from here, is there a tutorial somewhere that shows how to implement something like this?

Both are running NXC enh FW 1.31.

message.nxc (shared code)

Code: Select all

#ifndef MESSAGE
#define MESSAGE
#include "BTlib.nxc"

struct MessageCommand {
       int Command;

struct MessageStatus {
       int Status;
       float Azimuth;
       float Elevation;

int SendCommand(byte connection, byte mailbox, MessageCommand& command1) {
    string sDataOut;
    sDataOut = FlattenVar(command1);
    return 0;

int ReceiveCommand(byte connection, byte mailbox, MessageCommand& command1) {
     string sDataIn;
     sDataIn = BTReceiveMessage(connection, mailbox, TRUE);
     if (strlen(sDataIn) > 0) {
        UnflattenVar(sDataIn, command1);
        return 0;
     return -1;

int SendStatus(byte connection, byte mailbox, MessageStatus& status1) {
    string sDataOut;
    sDataOut = FlattenVar(status1);
    return 0;

int ReceiveStatus(byte connection, byte mailbox, MessageStatus& status1) {
     string sDataIn;
     sDataIn = BTReceiveMessage(connection, mailbox, TRUE);
     if (strlen(sDataIn) > 0) {
        UnflattenVar(sDataIn, status1);
        return 0;
     return -1;


m1.nxc (runs on master controller, which is BT slave)

Code: Select all

#include "NXCDefs.h"
#include "message.nxc"

#define BT_CONN 0 //line where slave is connected
#define MAILBOX 0

string Connected = "N" ;

task HandleRemote() {
     int recv = 0;
     MessageCommand command1;
     MessageStatus status1;
     while (true) {
     while (BTCommCheck(BT_CONN)) {
           Connected = "Y" ;
           if (ReceiveCommand(BT_CONN, MAILBOX, command1) == 0) {
              status1.Status = recv;
              status1.Azimuth = recv * 0.9;
              status1.Elevation = recv * 1.1;
              SendStatus(BT_CONN, MAILBOX, status1);
     Connected = "N" ;

task main() {
     TextOut(50,LCD_LINE1,"start" );
r1.nxc (runs on remote BT master)

Code: Select all

#include "NXCDefs.h"
#include "message.nxc"

#define BT_CONN 1
#define MAILBOX 0

int Status1 = 1;
float Azimuth = 0;
float Elevation = 0;
string Connected = "N" ;

task PollMaster() {
     int sent = 0;
     MessageCommand command1;
     command1.Command = 0;
     while (true) {
     TextOut(50,LCD_LINE2,"a" );
     while (BTCommCheck(BT_CONN)) {
           Connected = "Y" ;
           SendCommand(BT_CONN, MAILBOX, command1);
     Connected = "N" ;

task HandleMaster() {
     int recv = 0;
     MessageStatus status1;
     while (true) {
     while (BTCommCheck(BT_CONN)) {
           Connected = "Y" ;
           ReceiveStatus(BT_CONN, MAILBOX, status1);
           Status1 = status1.Status;
           Azimuth = status1.Azimuth;
           Elevation = status1.Elevation;
     Connected = "N" ;

task main() {
     Precedes(PollMaster, HandleMaster);
     TextOut(50,LCD_LINE1,"start" );

Re: NXT-NXT bluetooth

Posted: 25 Feb 2012, 19:56
by afanofosc
I have attached a version of the above code which seems to work fine with two of my NXTs connected via Bluetooth.

I think you may have run into issues with multiple threads calling the same function (BTWait or BTCommCheck) at the same time.
(1.62 KiB) Downloaded 500 times
John Hansen