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Datawires into a switch block

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 15:29
by antobor

I'm new to the forum, so let me apologize in advance if this doesn't belong here.

The problem I am having is while trying to create outside connections into my swithblock the datawires wrap poorly or don't connect at all. Is this common? Is there a fix? Will NXT-G not allow this type of connect to be made?

I'm using NXT 2.0 education.


Re: Datawires into a switch block

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 16:51
by h-g-t
Best if you show us what it looks like.

Go to file, print, then print to html.

In amongst the output there will be a graphics file which you can post here.

You said 'my switchblock', if you are creating a 'myblock' which has inputs and/ or outputs you must have data wires connected to the block before saving it.

The resulting block will have 'terminals' to which wires can be attached.

Re: Datawires into a switch block

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 19:57
by antobor
Thanks for the reply. I will try and get some program print outs. As for the block it is number variable write to a multiplication inside the standard switch block. It is not in a myblock. This should be very easy and standard. I have seen pictures in books of this being done. Could it be that I'm running it is windows 7?


Re: Datawires into a switch block

Posted: 13 Feb 2012, 14:14
by hassenplug
You may want to uncheck the "Flat" checkbox on the switch. That should allow you to run wires in and out of a switch.

Also, there's a "Modify User Settings" add-in on this page:

...that allows you to turn on "advanced" users, that shows data connectors on wires in switches.

Hope that helps

Re: Datawires into a switch block

Posted: 22 Feb 2012, 00:24
by antobor
Thanks for the reply. I got the switch block to work and also tried the Mod user settings. I tried installing them in the projects folder, but it did show up. There aren't any .vi file in that folder. Could you direct me to the correct path. I would really like to try some of the add-on in the site. I am using Windows Vista 32bit with nxt 2.0.

Thanks again.

Re: Datawires into a switch block

Posted: 22 Feb 2012, 02:44
by hassenplug
I don't have any suggestions as to why it didn't show up. Did you restart NXT-G after installing the software?