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Multiplexer Problem

Posted: 09 Mar 2012, 15:56
by lolopalenko
Were just trying to take are robot to the next level but weve got a problem. Weve got this flashy new HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexer with the Problem that weve got no Idea how to use it with NXC.
I've tried to import the driver liberies but I hav'nt got a Idea how. On the HiTech website it says to use this bit of code to initialize the drivers

Code: Select all


Of course it gives me a error message because that file isnt installed. So how can I install it ??? :D :idea:
So also I need to use that Sensor. Is this right how ime using it ???

Code: Select all

 var = smuxSensorLegoUS(msensor_S1_1);
Thanks for the Help Jason :) ;) :) :D

Re: Multiplexer Problem

Posted: 09 Mar 2012, 16:20
by h-g-t