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JTAG Debugging Options for Mac OS X

Posted: 22 Oct 2010, 02:29
by tcwan
I've fiinally gotten the JTAG cable made for interfacing to a JLink. It's definitely not for the faint-of-heart due to the small pitch size of the J17 connector.
The JLink from SEGGER only supports Windows, and I have verified that it can connect and control the NXT Brick (halt, go, show registers, etc.)
There is a JLink GDB Server from Segger but only for Windows, with a beta version for Linux.

My target tool chain is GCC + GDB running on Mac OS X. I can dual-boot into Windows but that is not my preferred platform.

Now, I'm trying to figure out what JTAG Debugging Options are available for Mac OS X. Googling doesn't yield many clues, most point to OpenOCD but I haven't managed to find out if it will support the JLink or not. What do people running Mac OS X use for JTAG debugging?


Re: JTAG Debugging Options for Mac OS X

Posted: 22 Oct 2010, 09:41
by gloomyandy
You could run Windows and thpse tools under VirtualBox.....