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Buying uset Nxt 1.0 set

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 13:48
by jonnxt
Does anybody know how long an nxt 1.0 lasts?
f.ex. how many hours the nxt brick can run before it wears out, and what about the sensors.

Re: Buying uset Nxt 1.0 set

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 14:08
by dimasterooo
What do you mean by lasting? If you mean battery life, that mostly depends on how good the batteries are you're putting into it; if you mean it in more of a "how long until it breaks" way, I can tell you that I've had a Mindstorms NXT 1.0 for I think over three years now, and it never broke or anything. The only thing that happened is that, at one point, the screen kind of flickered, but I sent it to LEGO, and it came back fixed a week later (for free; they have one of the best customer services I've ever experienced).

As for sensors, none of mine have broken in all the time I've used them, and I've always been using them very intensively (almost every day, or at least a few times every week)

Re: Buying uset Nxt 1.0 set

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 14:27
by h-g-t
I have programmable 2 bricks that get used, both were from NXT 1.0 sets which were bought second hand some time ago and upgraded to 2.0.

I don't use the sensors so I can't comment on these.

THE NXT 1.0 and 2.0 bricks are the same except for the firmware and programming language (NXT 2.0 uses floating point arithmetic).

Both the latest firmware and NXT-G 2.0 can be downloaded free from the LEGO website, so a 1.0 brick can be updated to 2.0 specification quite easily.

Re: Buying uset Nxt 1.0 set

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 14:42
by inxt-generation
I've had a NXT for 3 years, and haven't experienced any problems. Also, I have 4 RCXs (the original mindstorms brick) that were produced over ten years ago, and are still using them with perfect functionality to this day. I've also got tons of sensors ranging in age from 1 to 15 years old, all still working properly. LEGO is practically indestructable! w00t!

Re: Buying uset Nxt 1.0 set

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 17:22
by mattallen37
The flash portion of the ARM 7 (main NXT processor) is rated for 10,000 cycles. I heard that someone once kept re-downloading the FW to an NXT, and it failed after 8000+ (9000+?) downloads.

I got my first NXT a little over 3 years ago, and have gotten 5 more since then. One of them has a bad screen, but other than that one, they are all in perfect condition.

However, the RCXs are a bit different. Although not really related to this thread, I have seen many many broken RCXs. I have had about 17 broken ones so far, IIRC (intentionally bought them broken). They are usually pretty easy to fix; I have been able to fix all but 2.

As far as sensors, I don't use them a whole lot, but I think I have ever only had 2 that didn't work. One was an ultrasonic sensor, and one was a HiTechnic IR Link. In comparison, I think I have around 20-30 RCX sensors, and probably 40-50 NXT sensors.

If anything brakes (that you bought new), Lego is indeed very good about replacements!

Oh, and there are a couple versions of the NXT that are physically different. The original ones had a daughter board with the buttons and LCD interface. Sometime after the release of the 2.0, Lego revised the brick to have only one PCB (plus the BT module). I haven't seen any of the later ones in person, but I've seen pictures. From the outside, I don't know of any differences, and they are functionally identical (though the newer ones should be more robust).

Re: Buying uset Nxt 1.0 set

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 14:35
by jonnxt
I have not checked the forum for a while and I bought it three days ago.
Hope it will work a long time from now. (The seller said that it was two year old and that he did not remember it, i´m not sure what he said).

Re: Buying uset Nxt 1.0 set

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 16:00
by h-g-t
You can get LEGO NXT-G 2.0 here - ... ionID=2655

Latest Fantom driver for PC here - ... spx#Driver

Latest firmware and Fantom driver here - ... x#Firmware

Firmware download procedure here - ... e=en&cl=en