NXT NXC BT sensor+motor multiplexer net: 1 master + 3 slaves
Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 16:17
this is the NXC code for a Bluetooth sensor and motor multiplexer network.
1 NXT master can connect to up to 3 NXT slaves to read all the slave's sensors and to control all the slave's motors.
In the master's code you specify the number of slaves to be connected by the function
http://www.mindstormsforum.de/viewtopic ... 852#p56852
this is the NXC code for a Bluetooth sensor and motor multiplexer network.
1 NXT master can connect to up to 3 NXT slaves to read all the slave's sensors and to control all the slave's motors.
In the master's code you specify the number of slaves to be connected by the function
Code: Select all
StartBTMuxNetwork(1); // (1), (2), (3): number of slaves to be connected